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Lucky 15 betting spreadsheet tracker excel

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HA Quick Reference (1-hit Overflow, Short Imperil, etc.)

Hello fellow Keepers - now that Japan is up to 163 Hero Abilities as of their FF XV End of Year event, I thought people might appreciate a table of some of the more unusual (and useful) abilities. This is NOT an in-depth evaluation of the merits of these individual HA's...if you're looking for more detailed analysis and some good discussion I highly recommend checking out the following two posts:
  1. "Hero Ability Semi-Redux - Now With Numbers!" by u/TheKurosawa
  2. "A Logical Approach to Unique/Hero Abilities' Value" by u/ElNinoFr
As the title suggests, this post will just focus on the following types of abilities:
I'm happy to include other categories of abilities if there's a consensus in the comments for ones that are highly valuable (+1 hit Piercing, Instant Cast, etc.). As an aside, I generally ignored healer abilities for this post; personally I'd recommend a scaling party buff (like Penelo) and/or a fixed medica (like Hilda) if you're in the market ;-) Also, feel free to throw out individual MVP candidates in the comment section! Without further ado:

1-Hit Overflow

This was actually the only reason for this post when I started writing it: I realized that with our crazy Global schedule there would be 3 Overflow HA's released between 23-Dec and 08-Jan. Which is pretty significant since only 7 have been released to date in Japan...not only that, but these 3 are ALL for Gen 2 Elemental CSB holders (which I am acutely aware of since I have them). Bottom line, these are amazing abilities that are worth considering even without each character's top tier relics.
Interesting Facts: Earth/Holy are represented 3 times each (which seems like overkill for Earth given the existence of the 5* Heavy ability Stone Press), but there's no Lightning OF ability (place your bets now for who gets it!). Also, only one MAG option for some reason, which seems odd. I'm also somewhat surprised this type of HA hasn't been given to a hybrid character...

Date Character School Element Notes
10-Jun-20 Beatrix Knight Holy 100% Hit, RG
23-Dec-20 Paine Spellblade Water 100% Hit
03-Jan-21 Auron1 Samurai Fire FB Tgt -40%
08-Jan-21 CoD Darkness Dark
06-May-21 Leo Knight Earth/Holy
20-May-21 Ward Dragoon2 WateIce/Earth & NE
10-Jun-21 Biggs Knight Earth/Holy

Short Imperil

As a reminder these abilities are a 10% imperil and only last 5sec (compared to their 6* counterparts that last 15sec, or a typical SB entry that grants 20% imperil for 25sec). Alternatives include Machinist "Offering" abilities for Fire, Ice & Lightning, Thief for Water, and De'Diaja or Touched by Darkness for Holy & Dark, respectively (the latter 3 imperil after every other use, while the Machinist abilities are a 50% chance to imperil every time). Due to the short duration, these are optimized if you can make your character go FAST...Red XII has an obvious advantage with his ATB Sync, but several of these characters also have naturally high SPD. Other options to maximize include dualcasting through AASB or IC shenanigans like Vaan's USB1 (available in the Record Lab). Multipliers are relatively comparable with the regular 6* abilities, with the only real penalty being reduced hit count for multi-element imperils (5/4/3 hits based on 1/2/3 elements).
Interesting Facts: Earth is lacking a dedicated 6* ability, so {Heavy! Thanks u/LafingCat} Red XIII & Emperor get a special nod for filling the Earth MAG niche, with the added bonus that they're both Gen 2 Elemental CSB holders; the former has better flexibility for PHY teams with support access, but Emperor has some some nice additional imperil options with LM2, USB1/3 & AASB1 follow-up (10% imperil every 2nd ability). Wind is the other only element without a regular 6* ability, so Vaan & Emperor (again) get bonus points. The rest of the options are PHY, and in a vacuum I'd give a slight nod to Agrias & Lion, whose HAs imperil every turn vs. every other turn (not exactly 'apples to apples' since Agrias can't use 6* WHT, but you get the idea...)

Date Character School Element Hits
24-Sep-20 Red XIII Black Magic Earth x5
17-Dec-20 Cater Machinist Fire/Ice/Lightning x3
28-Dec-20 Vaan Thief Wind x5
18-Feb-21 Laguna1 Machinist2 Ice x5
25-Feb-21 Fran Shooter Ice/Lightning x4
25-Mar-21 Emperor Black Magic Dark/Earth/Wind x3
Agrias Knight Holy x5
29-Apr-21 Rufus Darkness Dark x5
24-Jun-21 Serah1 Black Magic Water x5
8-Jul-21 Edgar Machinist Poison/Fire/Lightning x3
22-Jul-21 Lion Thief Water x5

Support & Bard

No comments to add here - recommend checking out the post below for an EXCELLENT summary of all the various support character options, which include comments about how the HAs listed below fit into that picture. And if you're a Gordon fan like me you can scroll down to u/KoopaLoopFFRK's comments about why he's pretty cool too ;-)
"The Big Book of Supports: A Discussion of FFRK's Top Supports" by u/bover87
EDIT: As recommended by u/itmakesyounormal, I'm adding the party buff HA's in this section, which so far includes Penelo, Deuce & now we have some Dancer representation ;-)

Date Character School Effect
25-Jun-20 Tyro Support 3x Ranged PHY/MAG Prismatic +120 SB
17-Sep-20 Penelo Dancer Party's ATK/MATK +5~30% + 1000 HP Fixed Medica
24-Sep-20 Orran Bard Tgt Dispel Haste + Party PHY QC2
17-Dec-20 Deuce Bard Party's ATK/MATK +5~30% + 1000 HP Fixed Medica
4-Mar-21 Mog Dancer Party's MATK +5~30% + 1500 HP Fixed Medica
22-Apr-21 Edward Bard Party Low QC1 ~ QC1 (Scales w/ use)
13-May-21 Gordon Support Entrust + QC1
24-Jun-21 Quina Support Entrust1 (Max 2bars) + Self QC2
Minfilia Support Knight? 180 SB + 1000 HP Fixed Medica

Greater Than +1 Hit

The general prototype for an offensive HA is +1 hit and/or a higher multiplier: e.g. Black Magic goes from 15.25/5 to 21.0/6 and Monk goes from 4.7/5 to 6.6/6. Obviously there are lots of variations, and if the HA grants an added effect (self HCQ1, party Dmg Barrier, etc.) then the actual damage increase might be negligible (or even less). However, there are a handful of HAs that actually provide 2 hits more than their 6* alternative, and some of them even have similar (or higher!) multipliers. Again, including them in this post does NOT mean they are slam dunk abilities that you should craft; they're just unusual, and given the correct kit they could offer a significant increase in damage potential. As always, if you're not capping damage then these extra hits are being wasted (unless you're purely looking to build chain count, which isn't a bad option for a Machinist if the boss is already at max imperil). As a reminder, the following schools have 6-hit abilities, so 7-hit HAs are typical and therefore not included in this list: Dragoon & Witch.
Side Note: The natural follow-on to this table would be HAs that offer a significantly higher multiplier than their 6* alternative, but I didn't math that one out because frankly it's a lot more numbers to compare ;-) Maybe someone like u/TheKurosawa or u/ElNinoFr can chime in based on their extensive HA analysis...or feel free to throw out individual MVPs in the comments section (two of mine are Orlandeau going from 4.0/5 to 5.5/5 and Alphinaud going from 18.92/4 to 24.75/5).
EDIT: As recommended by u/DestilShadesk, I'm adding the Ninjitsu (Ninja MAG) HA's in this section for Edge & Thancred. They're certainly unique with their elemental coverage, with several elements having no previous Ninjitsu alternative (specifically earth & poison for Edge), and some of them requiring you to go all the way back to 3* abilities... They're ALL fast cast and RES piercing, while the HA's add the PBlink1 plus stacking common to the other 6* Ninja abilities.

Date Character School Hits 3/5/6* Alternative
25-Jun-20 Serah Black Magic1 x7 (2.85) Chain Blizzaja x5 (3.05)
24-Sep-20 Edge Ninja (Water MAG) x4~6 Water Veil (3*) x1 (AoE)
Ninja (Fire MAG) x4~6 Smoldering Fire (5*) x2
Ninja (Lightning MAG) x4~6 Swift Bolt (3*) x1 (AoE)
22-Oct-20 Machina Spellblade2 x4~7 (1.0) Tremor Assault x5 (0.88 0.9)
13-Jan-21 Prompto Machinist x7 (0.85) Trinity3 Grenade x5 (0.9)
25-Mar-21 Balthier Machinist x7 (0.85) Trinity3 Grenade x5 (0.9)
Hope Black Magic (Holy) x6 (3.5) Lunar Dragon x4 (4.73)
Queen5 Spellblade2 x4~7 (1.1) Heavenly4 Assault x5 (0.88 0.9)
27-May-21 Thancred Ninja (Wind MAG) x4~6 Raging Storm (5*) x2

So that's it! If you see any errors let me know and I'll update. Special thanks to u/ElNinoFr for his "Record Board Tracker", which I use regularly to check out which HA's are being released next.
Again, please add comments if you'd like me to include another section, and keep in mind there are plenty of great HA's that are not listed here. In particular, there are numerous HA's that are tailor made for a character's short they're amazing with the right relic (e.g. Noctis HA1), but not that incredible without it. Additionally, some elements and schools have less 6* ability options, making those HA's more valuable in a vacuum (e.g. Holy & Knight). If you have questions about whether any of these abilities are worth creating for you, feel free to post what you're looking for and why so folks can give you some suggestions. Cheers!

UPDATE #1: Thanks to everyone for their inputs! I think I've captured everything above, and I wanted to add two additional sections based on the comments:

1-Hit Piercing

Pretty self-explanatory: these all start as normal 4-hit abilities (multipliers of 3.5 for MAG and 1.1 for PHY), but the 5th hit has a large multiplier (18.4 for MAG and 5.76 for PHY) that ignores the respective defensive stat of the target (resistance & defense, respectively). Amazing for rage breaking. I did not include Tidus or Jecht; the last hit of Tidus' HA has the same multiplier as a normal 6* ability, and instead of being piercing it just adds a +20% critical damage...if you're close to breaking cap it might provide enough of a bump, but it's definitely not in the same category as the HA's in the table below.

Date Character School Element
28-May-20 Shadow1 Ninja Dark
24-Sep-20 Terra Black Magic Fire/Wind
15-Apr-20 Fujin Black Magic Wind
~Jul '21 Tellah Black Magic Earth

Greater Than +20% Multiplier

Thanks again to u/TheKurosawa for sharing the math and his comments below here! Great stuff, so not much to add here. Not surpising to see so many Holy HA's listed... I was a little surprised that Cloud's multiplier increase wasn't higher given the jump from a 5* ability, but the additional improvements there are the +1 hit count and SB generation (and it's dual-element to boot).

Date Character Element Multiplier 5/6* Alternative
30-Apr-20 Celes Holy (Spellblade) +27% Great Form (Knight)
18-Jun-20 Pecil Holy (PHY) +27% Great Form
16-Jul-20 Orlandeau Holy +27% Great Form
13-Aug-20 Lightning Holy (Celerity) +27% Great Form
Lightning +23% Ripping Plasma (Celerity)
10-Sep-20 Cloud Wind (Spellblade) +27% Raging Quadstrike (5*)
24-Sep-20 Zidane Wind (Thief) +27% Storm Assault
27-Dec-20 Reno Lightning (PHY) +20% Trinity Grenade
28-Dec-20 Vaan1 Wind (Thief) +27% Storm Assault
18-Feb-21 Laguna1 Ice (Machinist) +20% Trinity Grenade

submitted by SoontirFel181 to FFRecordKeeper [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 3 Match 6 Anthony ‘Ani’ Oakey and Kamen Rider Volt Versus ?????

The results are in for Match 4. The winner is…
Rushen walked out across the training ground after the four hours had concluded, a beaming smile on his face as she walked up to the four trainers. “Looks like I made some real good choices on you guys, huh? Really put these guys through the ringer!”
The various trainees stood around chatting with each other about their different experiences throughout the day before forming an orderly line once their leader came into view. Many were exhausted, yet at the same time, there was a certain sense of camaraderie there, high spirits… They felt ready to take on the world, yet they were starting to think they may not necessarily need to think of everyone as a potential enemy either.
Fira tilted her head back before taking a few steps forward. “Look, Rushen, compliments don’t keep the lights on or teeth perfect. You gonna pay us or not?”
Rushen took a quick step back and pulled out several light blue envelopes and handed them to both the pairs. “Figured you two would want yours in cash… Don’t lemme hear you spent it on nothing shady, alright?”
Fira almost smiled as she felt what must have been a decent stack of crisp bills. A smirk would do. “That’s satisfactory, yeah.” Byte, then, gave her an expectant look, only to be handed an even-looking cut. “Alright, fine.”
Cab and Inch, meanwhile, simply thanked Rushen for theirs, receiving it through checks as normal people tended to prefer receiving large payments for services.
After payment had been dispersed Rushen took a step back and looked over the paris. “Listen, the boss is impressed with both of you, but she specifically requested that two of you come to speak with her in her office…”
Right… The bonus, huh? The four guest instructors stood, then, tensely… So it was only one team getting it, huh?
“Sauvignon, Nine, c’mon.” Rushen jerked his thumb. “Allday’s a busy woman. Best not to make her wait.”
The Black Hill Estate, with a score of 76 to Graveyard Shift’s 69!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Black Hill Estate 18-12 Nine votes split 5.5-3.5.
Quality Tie 24-24 Reasoning
JoJolity Black Hill Estate 24-23 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
“Fira, Byte, you two can go home now… Keep an eye on Elephant Bones. Good eats there. Think between that and what you could do with that gym next door, you’d be better off going legit.”
Byte took an instinctive step forward in protest. “What the hell do you mean? How’s a regimen like theirs gonna get a meeting with the big boss?”
Rushen shrugged and turned away before speaking. “Not my call. You two did good work, though… Really. Remember that when you’re countin’ out your bills there.”
Byte sighed, then, turning to Fira, who shrugged. “Let’s get something to eat, I guess… That’s something to do. What’s even open right now?”
Rushen saw the quartet off in their separate ways with a sigh, folding his arms. Today was a good day… Now, I only hope tomorrow’s as good. The day these recruits and I take down a whole crime ring is fast approaching, and even beyond that… Ugo ain’t just gonna go quietly. I am damn sure he’s gonna start something with that Neighborhood Watch he helped fold into us in Aurelio, and with Oxbow breathing down our necks until we can get peace worked out West of there, I can’t do a thing but hope they don’t act before it’s safe to disband them.
Within the next fifteen minutes Cab and Inch were in an elevator going to the top floor of one of the most imposing buildings in the city: ODIN HQ. As they rose Cab turned to Inch, his brow furrowed. “How much do we even know about this Miss. Allday anyways? You don’t see her around much, just hear her talked about in the news, politicians and protesters and the like… I only really see anything concrete in the form of projects she slaps that name of hers on.”
Inch thought for a moment and spoke. “It… It is a paradox to me, yes. Strange that someone so invested in this city is at once so elusive from it.” She turned to the ticing floor tracker at the top of the elevator steadily going up. “In any case this is a good opportunity. I doubt that people like us get many chances to meet with her, let alone requested by her.”
With that the elevator door slowly opened revealing a large, open office space with a multitude of white boards and empty parfait cups scattered across the space. “Nine, Sauvignon… Correct? It is a pleasure to meet you.” Sitting in the middle at a large, glass desk sat a white-haired woman with as welcoming of a smile as she could muster at the time. The effort of goodwill seemed earnest, but big smiles seemed uncomfortable and foreign on her face.
“My name is Arazu Allday… Though, I suppose you didn’t need to be told that. Ergh, I’m not good at niceties…” She shook her head, quiet and frowning a moment, before looking up with a sterner sort of warmth. “I wanted to thank you personally for your approach to aiding Mr. Smith in instruction. Sure, the combat lessons were good and fine, but the wise know that is far from the only thing this new generation of VALKYRIE needed to learn.”
“I’ll cut to the chase. You’ve done a great thing for us as a company, developing a regimen specifically to take the toxicity of Ugo McBaise and the ‘wisdom’ that he descended from out of those recruits' heads. I think now, they’re on a better track. With all that out of the way though, before we talk more, would either of you like a refreshment? As you can tell, sweetness does not come easy to me, but… Perhaps a parfait would substitute for that.”
There’s still a few hours left yet, as of posting this, to vote and make your voices heard in a bitter 2v2 Battle in a Stairwell.
Sound’s Garden Eastern Strip - Fox’s Penthouse Apartment
“Alright, Toby, you’re doing great! You’re recovering faster than any client I’ve ever had, even… You’ll be running marathons by Summertime like this!”
Toby Fox, the elusive shadow boss of the Entertainment District’s underworld, managed to step away from the bars that his physical therapist had set up for him, limping slightly, yet at the same time, confident in his progress. He had been shot months ago, twice in places where a few centimeters off could have paralyzed him for life, or even killed him, yet he’d managed to be up on his feet, if weakly, before the year had even ended. It would’ve gone a lot faster had he felt safe patronizing the Devil Blue, but… No. Peres Straviat was friendly with No, and with the University Board. Healing up the hard way, out of the public eye, had to do.
He rested his feet in the sand garden he’d made into a workout space, curling his toes against the grains and drinking from a water bottle as the therapist smiled at him. She had a very affable, can-do attitude about her, and he was certain this motivating presence had helped him along as well.
“A fresh start, then… That’s what this is. Tigran and I, we’re clearing our heads of all that nonsense about expansion, and getting back to the roots of what made our enterprise lasting… Intimate, guerilla shows of Stand Users coerced into beating one another senseless!”
“That’s the spirit, Mr. Fox! Oh, Tigran will be delighted to hear you’re in high spirits again! I bet that-”
She paused, then, going silent, before removing a pistol from her tracksuit. “…I just heard something. Someone’s outside. Sounds like a few people… I hear the distinctive shakes of body armor.”
“A raid? How didn’t you notice sooner, with those ears of yours? If… If the sounds were drowned out, then…” He shook his head, the sand around him beginning to swirl into a sort of vortex. “No matter. If it’s VALKYRIE or the police or something finally come for us, then all we need to do is let them tear themselves to pieces against my own defenses! We’ll get away…”
“Well said!” The therapist agreed. “We’ll just walk briskly out! You can handle that on that leg of yours, right?”
“Of course…” Fox smirked, hearing the door beginning to be banged up against and walking closer, his personal sandstorm still meters around, waiting just to its side before concluding. “Alright… Let our guests in.”
But an utterly blind charge into Fox’s attack, the sort of violent and overwhelming rushdown strategies that VALKYRIE had been notorious for before, which Fox himself was basically immune to with even seconds of preparation time, didn’t come. Rather, then, a more careful approach was taken, the enemy Stand Users kiting his range, blocking fire from the therapist’s pistol, and even actively taking time to deprive him of the sand that had been at his feet, cut him off form gathering any more from his little rock garden. Soon enough, he’d needed to make a sort of cone to fend the lot of them off as he backed towards a fire escape, finding his apartment pushed into and himself more and more outnumbered.
As soon as he leapt out of the now-opened window into the escape, bracing himself for some pain on his leg and needing to rapidly climb down anyway, he instead found himself flying far, far back, sonic energies blasting him into a wall adorned with an intricately-woven quilt of a funny white dog, knocking it loose and seeing it land overtop him.
Toby Fox’s mind was racing. These… These couldn’t be VALKYRIE. They were too careful… They fought like anybody cared if they lived or died, and the only property that had been damaged at all was in his own apartment. Some special forces team doing a false flag thing? But why? That was a sonic blast just now, a sound-based strike to his very core, by a helmeted member of the unit who stepped in and approached him fearlessly, something holstered at their side. Could… Could it have been that..?
“Fox, you’re under arrest.”
At the undoubtedly masculine voice which had come from his latest attacker, despite his situation, several guns trained on him as two strong-looking guys pulled him away from any particulate, cuffed him and the physical therapist, was relief that the worst thing he was imagining hadn’t come to pass.
As Rushen Smith pulled his helmet off and took a breath, he spoke into a communicator attached to his ear, putting his finger up to it as he adjusted the sunglasses he had of course decided to wear under full body armor. “Team A reporting in. We got ‘em… Looks like we caught him in the middle of PT. No casualties, but the physical therapist pulled a gun on us too… We’re booking her too.”
“So it’s all gone smoothly, then? Excellent! Our other teams are reporting similarly… Only one who’s slipped away is Golden Boy.”
“Keep lookin’. Man going around in as much gold as that guy can’t stay hidden for long. Over and out.”
“To be honest…” Fox couldn’t help but chuckle in disbelief, breathily, wobbling on his uneasy legs. It made him happy, again, to overhear that Tigran (nobody else could be ‘Golden Boy,’ right?) “If I was going to go down, I was expecting something a little more… Climactic.”
“Yeah, well, this is it. You’re going downtown.”
The Woods at Aurelio - An Abandoned Police Station, Slightly Earlier
“Bull shit!”
Uh oh. Ugo was in a bad mood, and Rob was out shopping. Anthony ‘Ani’ Oakey, sitting in the former small-town jail cell which had been renovated into a damn serviceable emergency living space, sat up, realizing that nobody else was around at all. He’d have to bear the brunt of this guy ranting, huh?
The two of them had outright faked their deaths to get closer to the famously unhinged head of VALKYRIE… They had to, in order to make this mission work without Byron painting a target on the collective backs of all of their friends, or worse, them thinking they’d lived on to betray them. They had seen the man for what he was, not just some aggressive meathead who only knew how to rush forward, but something far more dangerous.
He was a schemer who had quietly been polishing off plans to, if need be, potentially ruin any number of people in the city. From known enemies of his like Conqueror Worm, Ernie Ford, Byron Oxbow, to even ostensible allies like Arazu Allday, Chairman Ray, Cairo Satori, and several different Board Members. If it wasn’t for the fact that he just lacked the tactical flexibility to pull anything off, he might have accomplished more, but even then, as equipped as he was, hungry as he was to bring about his idea of order, there was no way to call him anything but dangerous.
Not days later, they’d learned their new boss was fired, and lost with that any semblance of accountability he’d had. The neighborhood watch still liked him second only to their founder, and recognizing the danger to themselves that would come with refusal, and many of his long time supporters within VALKYRIE quit and joined up with him upon his firing. The sole remaining police officer in the small town took a hefty payment for an early retirement making sure he was the law of the land. Ugo took up this new base of operations, smaller though it was than his old office, and kept working like nothing was changed.
“No higher-ups, no stockholders, no need for\ paperwork piling up in my way, yeah? So basically, I’ve got more space, really.” He’d said with a cold smirk. “Don’t worry about things on my end… I’ve had money stored away in case something like this happened. I’ll land on my feet. You two are the ones who need to remember your place… And our contract stands. You are loyal to me. Not Allday and not anyone she tries to say is in charge of VALKYRIE. Honoring their orders over mine is treason, and you can ask my old second in command how that goes.
“This is a good thing in disguise. Being lead of Allday’s VALKYRIE was a good teacher, but Allday is weak, as is that excuse for a replacement she found for me. This means that we have the opportunity to be the prime law for hire in this decrepit city. You should be grateful I took you on at this turning point. The only regret I have is that all my work in tracking down and taking down the scum of the entertainment District. It had been my white whale for years, and now that glory is going to some undeserving fed” For the first time Ani caught something deeper in Ugo something seething and angry that festerd under his controlled facade.
“I…” Ani had to choose his words carefully, feeling drained of much of his enthusiasm by the hard situation he’d placed himself into. Ugo had genuinely seemed pleased with the fact that VALKYRIE was going to lead a raid on the leadership of the Entertainment District’s illegal fighting rings, excited that he’d be in charge of coordinating a massive raid that would make the company look good. “I can see why that would be frustrating… Yeah. Especially when it was Mr. Jones’ intel that helped put it all together, and…”
“I’ll take care of that bald fuck later. ‘Deal with the devil’ my ass… For now, we need to ‘prioritize.’ When your enemy has the ball, do you run in front of them and wait? No. You ‘Tackle’ them. You don’t let them gain a single yard!”
Ani rubbed his eyes, sitting upright as he realized. “What… What did you do, Ugo? Uh, sir.” He froze up a bit at the glaring eye upon him, only to say. “Sorry if I sound fresh, just… You woke me up.”
“Lucky I’m in a good mood, kid… I’ll tell you what I did. I ‘tackled,’ and opened up a ‘hole’ in their ‘defense’ because of it. That golden narcissist second-in-command, Tigran Sins… I got his number, tipped him off right before they were gonna get his penthouse.” He waggled a finger. “But I made sure it was too late for him to tell his boss shit.”
“What?” Ani tilted his head. “I don’t follow… Tell me how that’s brilliant.”
“The guy’ll fly off the handle for anything that puts his Toby in danger. Probably, because this was my plan they wrote over, he’s gonna get caught, and when he does, they’re gonna drive him over a particular ‘bridge’ to head downtown for processing.” As Ugo was speaking, he had begun to demonstrate with pieces of scrap paper that had been lying around, indicating with arrows, dots, and the like. He wasn’t the best artist.
“So what’s gonna happen is, no doubt, he’s gonna put the best hitman of all the scum in this city up there, and he’s gonna just open fire and take a ton of those weaklings down. Fox and his associates will be freed, and then, when it’s all good and disastrous…” He scribbled and scribbled aggressively, then, on either side of the poorly doodled ‘bridge,’ with a small grin. “Me and Rob and everyone else will pour in from the East and West and save the day after those screw-ups! We’ll mop them up and make their ‘new start’ a reminder that they never should have cut me away.”
“You and Rob?” Ani was trying to process all of that, that much hanging over him. “Do you… Not want me involved?”
“You’ll be in, er, what’s the word…” Ugo scratched his head a moment with the pencil, it clearly on the tip of his tongue. The tip snapped against his jawline, and he concluded. “Support! Coordination! That’s the word… I’m not gonna put you right in the line of fire. Can you imagine how that’ll taint the PR? They’ll say I have child soldiers or something… And c’mon. People need to know we have standards.”
Rob showed up soon after, and Ugo followed him into the base’s small kitchen to talk the plan over with him in between bouts of grilling, leaving Ani, frankly, mortified.
This… This guy is fucking crazy! Is he that petty that he’s going to let so many people die just to say I-told-you-so? And not just new VALKYRIE people, or that Rushen Smith guy… No doubt at all, innocent bystanders are gonna get hurt too.
Ani dragged his hands along his forehead, rolling around in his bed and quivering with thoughts rushing through his head.
This is too much… This is way too much! I can’t just… I can’t just let this happen, right? And Rob, Rob needs to know that this is unacceptable too. Maybe we can slip away ahead of time, and… He shook his head. No. I can afford to be anywhere and out of his sight, and make a case for it being part of my role, but Rob… If he breaks formation, Ugo is going to know, and then we’ll both be… I need to leave him out of this. I have to stop this insanity myself, somehow!
He looked towards the sound of the adults talking, then, filled with an uncertainty. He’d said that one of the deadliest assassins in this city would probably be involved in this…
He knew he had to act, but he couldn’t do this alone. He would need to find help some other way.
Barrier Bridge ,early afternoon
Early in the morning, Seido had gotten the call about a job holding down this bridge, that a certain transport vessel was going to be crossing sometime in the afternoon. Said transport vessel carried his rescue target, Fox. Despite all the misgivings he had for the Underground leader, he paid well, and was respectful enough of Seido’s autonomy (for the most part). Plus, due to the nature of this job, its pay is based on success, so he’s going to take this seriously.
So as to not attract too much attention, he looked around for an appropriate vantage point with his phone camera, appearing to merely be taking a picture of the sights, and after finding a suitable location, he walks up to his spot and resumes feigning his tourist act. Finally set up, Seido took a moment to think to himself.
With enough luck, this’ll be an in-and-out job... but the way things have been going lately, I somehow doubt that it’ll be that easy. It feels as if Fox’s expansion has led to more and more interlopers, and of course I’m left to clean up the mess. Though it does sometimes get boring to do the same quiet job ad nauseum, it can also be a little tiresome to have interruptions and obstacles.
While nodding to himself on his preferences of job difficulty, almost on cue, he spotted a young kid, being approached by a different, stranger looking man, and after what looked to be a brief exposition by the kid, the pair both began looking around. It wasn’t hard for him to realize that this meant that the two would be the expected “unexpected company” he would be dealing with today.
Barrier Bridge, moments earlier
His bike skidding to a halt by the side of the road, Kamen Rider Volt took a look around him. Foot traffic on the bridge was as expected, people occasionally walking by and gazing over the rivers, and many cars driving by as people went on their daily commute. Business as usual for Los Fortuna, it seemed. However… he was called here for a reason. ‘Ani Oakey’, a kid whom he’d met in the past, had contacted him, telling him to come here for some important reason related to the shady underground of Los Fortuna’s entertainment district. Still, he couldn’t see the kid anywhere in the crowd around him…
“Volt! Over here!” The hushed voice of the kid came from behind him, and Volt turned around to see him, just barely noticing him from the various passersby on the bridge. Underneath the suit, Max let out a small smile seeing the familiar face.
“Ah, here you are! So, Ani, what did you call me here for? The ED’s underground… what information did you gather, and why exactly?” Volt knew the kid was somewhat of a troublemaker, but he couldn’t have caught onto such information had he not gone quite a bit beyond the realm of what a normal kid could do.
“Um...” Ani said, thinking for a bit. “Well… I’m currently helpin’ out some, uh... people who caught onto this, an’ I thought you’d help out, so… well, I guess I should tell you what I need help with, yeah?”
Volt listened to the kid as he explained the full extent to the situation with growing concern. Ani was probably a stand user, but Volt would have to prod further about what he was doing later, since it almost certainly wasn’t good for him. Still, if this bridge was to be used to transport the ED underground’s ringleader… Volt took a few looks around the bridge, thinking… It was likely that someone from their end would be stationed-
“Volt! Look out!” With all of the strength that the 13 year old kid could muster, Ani tackled Volt, pushing him back just as the sound of a gunshot rang through the air, almost hitting the kid.
The bridge went dead silent for a moment. Volt looked at Ani in shock, but he knew better than anyone that he had to act now. “Thanks for the save, Ani - now, come and get on the bike, now!” As the passersby erupted into screams, Volt shouted at Ani, the two of them rushing towards Volt’s ride. From the angle of the shot, the sniper was on top of the bridge - Volt would have to get there as quickly as possible, and drop Ani off along the way before he could.
Moments later
“No way!” Ani shouted emphatically, in response to Volt’s pleas, as the two of them rode on the back of Volt’s bike, trying to make it past the panicking crowds. “Look, you’re in serious danger here, and I need to protect you! Ani, even if you’re a stand user, this is serious!” Volt needed to get a spot where he could safely let Ani get off before heading for the sniper, but…
“I am serious! Look, without my ants keepin’ watch and warnin’ me, that man’d have shot you! I can help, an’ I will help!” Volt looked at Ani for a bit, before sighing and relenting. Time was running out, and the longer they bickered, the more they were in danger. Besides, if Ani was to try and handle it himself after Max left him behind, the sniper would certainly attack him too, no..?
“I can’t convince you otherwise, can I..?” Both of them knew the answer. “Fine. But I’m not letting you do anything too reckless.” Ani nodded in response.
The rest of the trip was certainly not easy - the sniper they’d been up against had kept on attacking them, and as Ani said, his ants certainly did help the two of them, letting them keep watch of all direction and keep better track of the area around them. Furthermore, as they got closer and closer, the sniper began using his stand -
“-Woah!” Volt shouted out, swerving his bike just in time before a flaming bullet flew past him and Ani, just barely managing to stay upright. Whatever stand the sniper had, he had access to a wide variety of bullets in his arsenal, enough so that neither Volt nor Ani were able to properly prepare for what he sent out. Still, they were getting closer - it wasn’t ideal, but riding a bike on the bridge’s arches was a surprisingly effective way of closing the distance, despite how reckless and dangerous it was!
Still, they were getting closer, enough that they could just barely see the sniper in the distance. “Volt! He’s aimin’ at us!” Ani shouted out. That made sense, since he was a sniper and they were trying to get to him and beat him up, but they still probably needed to do something about it.
“Gotcha! Hang on!” Volt shouted out, leaning forwards and pressing on the pedal even harder, the bike speeding up, and making for one hell of a bumpy ride. At the very least this’d make it harder to shoot them, and he could probably create some light to-
Another gunshot rang through the air, the bullet flying towards Ani and Volt… and missing entirely, hitting the ground underneath them. They’d managed to evade quite a few bullets before, but the sniper certainly wasn’t an amateur, and had never missed this much… something was up. Soon, they’d realize what exactly it was - Volt’s bike rapidly slowed down, pulled back by some invisible force at a speed so sudden that both of them were tossed off from the bike.
Shit! Looking back for a moment, Volt could see the bike being tossed back, skidding across the surface of the arch. More importantly, he could see Ani right above him, the light kid practically flying in an arc. He had to do something before he got hurt!
Volt flipped around, arms outstretched, catching Ani just as the two hit the ground, and the sound of scraping metal filled the air. Still, he’d done his job and protected Ani - were it not for him, who knew what’d happen to the kid. Ugh… he should’ve been more insistent on not taking him!
Whatever… he couldn’t change what had happened. Ani was here, and they’d have to fight this sniper.
“Volt...” Ani got out of his grasp, getting up off the ground. Volt followed suit. “It’s lookin’ like we’ll have to go the rest of the way on foot, yeah?” Volt looked back, and the bike wasn’t there anymore - it had likely fallen off of the arch, then.
“Yeah… seems like it.”
The Kamen Rider and the kid looked at the sniper far off in the distance. He’d put a wrench in their plans with whatever that bullet of his was, but they could definitely still get to him. They just had to put in a little bit more effort, and then they’d get to him and stop the ED Underground’s plans for good.
Location: On top of Barrier Bridge, a steel arch bridge in the Entertainment District. Here are two reference images for the general architecture. An overhead view and a side view
The bridge itself is extremely long, but the area for the match will be more limited to a 160 by 80 meter area visualized here. This area is a top down view, the bridge and water is hundreds of meters below you in the purple and blue tiles respectively. Each tile is 5 by 5 meters.
The teal rectangles are the arches, and the “X”s are the girders supporting the two sides of the arch. The girders are around 2 meters wide and 2 meters tall. The arches have metal stairs that run down the middle of the arches, represented here by the lines. There are guardrails on the sides of the staircases as well. The underside of the arch is also supported by steel pillars every 20 or so meters and matches up roughly with the side view image.
The arrows denote the direction of the slope of the arch, with the area between the arrows being the highest and center point of the arch.
The players are denoted by the yellow and grey circles and the boss is shown with the purple circle. Where the players are standing is just about halfway to the center of the arch while the boss is at the peak/center of the arch.
Due to food crumbs being left out every so often, there are three nests of ants that have made their homes between the metal plates of the arch. For this match they are effectively 1000s of them in each colony. These colony locations are denoted by the purple 6 pointed stars.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
For the purposes of the match, the lower arches (visible on the side view) and the bridge below are not part of the map. Essentially if you are not on the girders, the arches, or otherwise fall off them and cannot or will not make it back up, that will count as a ring out.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Underground Rat Exodus Anthony ‘Ani’ Oakey and Kamen Rider Volt "See that? That's Morioh's energy! It's all mine! My power!" This entire structure is made of metal, with both of your abilities you should be able to make good use out of it. Use the metal arch and support structures in varied and effective ways!
Path of Four Seido Shuto “Someone's going to have to take one of the last four slices” Four is the path your life has set out for you so embrace it as much as you can. Make as many references to the number “4” in your actions and movements in meaningful ways!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Free Online Easy to Use Betting Portfolio Tracker (beta)

Hey Guys!
Expecting to get removed but before I do I wanted to share what I've been working on a year on and would love feedback.
The main idea is to replace manually keeping track of your bets on a excel spreadsheet and let SmartLines do it automatically for you. It's still early and think its a bit far from 100% usable but would love feedback on what I can improve.
We even have one click Google and Facebook login
Link to tracker:
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Wow did someone give me Silver?? My heart... I was expecting this to get taken down as soon as i posted. Thank you so much for your support!!
EDIT2: Wow at first I thought I was just going to get roasted but your guys' support has been AMAZING. A lot of people seem like they're interested in keeping tabs as a short term solution for communication we have an old subreddit you guys can join and I'll be posting development updates there:
submitted by PuffTheMagicPanda to sportsbook [link] [comments]

A Guide For New and First-Time Raiders, From One Not-Quite-New Light to Another

I see a lot of posts on Reddit from newer players looking to learn raids, and I can tell that many of them are frustrated. It’s hard to get into raiding these days. In August 2019, I myself was trying to get my first raid and looking at an endless sea of LFG posts demanding players with 30 clears, wondering if I’d ever learn a single one.
For this reason, I decided to write some tips for players looking to break in to the world of raiding. Let me lay my cards down from the beginning: I’m not actually some amazing sherpa or god tier raider. In fact, I was a total scrub a year ago, with no experience or endgame gear. I can’t say that I’m astoundingly good now, but I’ve gotten a lot better. Today, I’m a competent enough player, know every raid, and play regularly with great people.
To be completely honest, I did it with a lot of help–and a lot of screwups along the way. In fact, that’s why I think my perspective is helpful. If I can do it, so can you! (Of course, I hope everyone will sound off below with their own resources, suggestions, disagreements, etc.)
The purpose of this brief guide is to present resources so that you can work out your own path to raiding, from one not-quite-new-light to another. I try to present what I think is the most optimal version of the path–one that will best position you to learn every raid as quickly as possible. Of course, you can just run a raid or two, see how you like it, and take it from there.
Either way, here are five tips to learning the raids:
1. Be Patient!
Be patient, plain and simple. I cannot stress this point enough. Patience is the single most important attribute you can have. If you really want the prize, you’ll get it. But it won’t happen overnight.
Destiny players often expect instant results, spamming LFGs or Discords with “need five to carry in Leviathan right now!” type posts. It rarely works. You won’t get Divinity or Anarchy; in fact, you probably won’t even find enough people to get started. If you miraculously do, the most likely result will be pure frustration.
Setting up raids is challenging. You need a half dozen people to commit to hours of hard work, especially if people are learning for the first time. You will also likely need the help of experienced players and sherpas–people who volunteer to teach raids for free.
It might not be obvious, but these players don’t have selfish reasons to play the raids anymore. I know Destroyer of Worlds is burning a hole in your quest inventory, but it’s actually instructing you to run a raid that hasn’t evolved since the launch of Destiny 2. Most hardcore players have had all of the loot from the Leviathan for years. Raiding right now is a bit like begging strangers to spend three hours riding the “It’s a Small World” ride at Disney World—after they’ve ridden it three times a week since 2017.
That doesn’t mean you can’t find an excellent team. (Destiny is a weird world, and some of us just really can’t get enough of that damn song.) It does mean you need to be patient. Know that you won’t always snap your fingers and instantly get what you want. And remember to be there for the journey, not the destination.
Along the way, jump at opportunities when they present themselves. Maybe this weekend, you’ll only find a team to run the single raid you already know. That’s ok! You’ll gain experience–and clears. You might even make friends who will later help you get the one you need.
Raiding is the most fun when you take the time to assemble good groups of good people. Don’t burn yourself out on the toxic ones, or waste time with situations that won’t actually help you progress. In the end, waiting a few days might guarantee you actually finish the raid–and have a good time in the process.
2. Get the Gear!
Great, so now you’re stuck waiting until next weekend for your first raid. That’s excellent news! It means you have time to grind out some gear.
Gear is important. (Duh!) However, it isn’t the be-all-end-all of Destiny. Good players use whatever they feel like–including goofy loadouts just for the lols. Truth be told, bad raiders can skate by with anything as well; I did my first raid after about a month of playing without a single piece of high-quality gear.
That said, I wouldn't recommend my approach. You’ll be in much better shape if you start off with a strong loadout. The more varied options you have, the more you can tailor your gear to the situation for optimal performance.
I’d recommend trying to get a handful of weapons that fill a couple of key roles. In particular:
Don’t go running around with two random primary weapons you picked up off the ground. You’ll look great if you’re able to use that SMG to mow down a line of thrall, swap to a Fusion Rifle to nuke the yellow Knight, and whip out your GL to melt a giant ogre.
I have some recommendations for specific guns below, but I’d definitely suggest combing Reddit and Google for advice; the internet is packed with info about gear. I’d also definitely suggest checking out some basic weapon guides from some of the more popular Destiny blogs/writers, as well as some of the best work from YouTube content creators and deep analysts. There are even exhaustive spreadsheets and podcasts dedicated to Destiny gear!
It’s an especially good idea to complete some of the questable exotics, and to use resources like the menagerie—a great matchmade mission that lets you choose specific weapons as rewards rather than having to rely on random drops. There are obviously a lot of god tier weapons in the game, but very solid weapons are pretty easy to get:
I’d recommend building yourself a little raid kit. It’s not hard to get started. If you’re really strapped for gear, you can just spend an afternoon getting the Seventh Seraph Carbine, Badlander, and Whisper, and still get through some of the easier raids. From there, you can grow your collection, and maybe begin to chase top tier weapons like The Recluse. Of course, if you really catch the raid bug, you can spend all your time hunting down godly loot like Anarchy, Mountaintop, and 1000 Voices.
3. Get the Tools!
Ok, you’ve got the guns. Now get good, 4head!
Seriously though, your gear can’t carry you. You’ll also need to build a broader toolkit. This step can be a tad more intangible; experience is the only foolproof teacher, and experience is exactly the thing that you can't get overnight.
The good news, though, is that your abilities can be supplemented by tools. Learn as much as you can about the game by taking advantage of the tons of in-game and out-of-game resources.
In-game, get familiar with everything you can, including all of the NPCs you’ll encounter. If you don’t know about Xur, you can start visiting him every Friday to unlock exotics more quickly. Get his armor for all three characters; make those two other characters right now if you don’t have them yet. (You’ll thank me later!) Build your skill in pinnacle activities like Nightfalls, as well as in the Crucible. Yes, I’m even speaking to those of you who hate PvP. Crucible has some of the best loot, and learning to fight real enemies will help you get technically better. If you can dodge an Unbroken shotgun ape, you can dodge a few ads in a raid.
Out-of-game, you’ll also find there is a veritable flood of resources designed to help you get better:

4. Familiarize Yourself with the Raids!
More or less, this tip is an extension of the last step. Familiarize yourself with the raids as much as possible in advance! Watch videos on YouTube–both the thorough walkthroughs and the fun stuff. Learn the nicknames, the roles, the history, whatever you can. It really doesn’t take that much time, and it will make a world of difference when you actually start.
As far as learning specific raids goes, my advice is to start simple and work your way up. (Of course, I did the exact opposite of what I’m telling you to do: jumped into a Last Wish without any gear or knowledge of what a raid really was!)
It’s hard to say which raid is the easiest, since so much of raiding is situational. The same raid can take one hour or five depending on the group. Is one person learning for the first time, or are five? Is your Sherpa any good? Did people actually budget the time they need to finish–or are they going to have to start homework three hours into your Divinity run?
In terms of easiest to figure out as a first timer, my own ranking is the following:
  1. Eater of Worlds (EoW)
  2. Scourge of the Past (SotP)
  3. Leviathan (Levi)
  4. Crown of Sorrow (CoS)
  5. Spire of Stars (SoS)
  6. Garden of Salvation (GoS)
  7. Last Wish (LW)
The first two are the easiest to learn, with simple roles and relatively modest mechanics. I’d recommend starting with Scourge of the Past; it’s the right mix of easy and popular. The encounters are fairly simple, and you more likely to find a group to run it because it has a chance to drop Anarchy, one of the most sought-after exotics in the game.
Eater of Worlds is definitely shorter and easier, but your odds of finding a group are a bit lower because it’s an old raid with no loot incentives. (I mean, what Titan wants to grind for this set?) That said: some people regularly run the Y1 raids for fun, and some sherpas teach it regularly because of how easy it is pick up. If you see a chance to join an EoW, jump on it!
In the second tier are Leviathan and Crown of Sorrow. Both are a tad harder than the first two. Levi is a bit longer and has more content to absorb compared to SotP and Eater, but the mechanics are fairly easy and the raid difficulty hasn’t really kept up with the rest of the game.
Crown is essentially a glorified raid lair; it’s not amazingly long or complicated. It is a tad busy on the ground, with lots of running back-and-forth, so it’s a bit more pressure and offers a few more chances to screw up. It’s a lot of fun, and you’ll still be able to pick it up very quickly.
In my opinion, the next tier includes the hardest three raids. Spire of Stars isn’t actually super-hard, but it has what might be the most mechanic-heavy encounter in the game: a very long and intricate boss fight with many stages and technicalities. That part can take forever if people make mistakes (as I often have!).
Garden isn’t amazingly hard, but it has a handful of tricky parts–especially a final boss that is almost as easy to screw up as SoS. I’d recommend skipping Divinity for your first few learning runs, since the quest adds time; I’d bet money people start dropping before you finish.
Last Wish is the longest raid, with a number of demanding sections that require a diverse loadout. It’s also the best raid in the game in my opinion. It’s a stunning arena to explore with great encounters, as well as a cool premise and an exotic that makes all those heartbreaking Riven cheeses worth it in the end.
5. Find People to Play With!
Ok, now you’re onto the final step. Find people to play with. This part is obvious, but it’s also hard–especially if you’re new to Destiny or MMOs in general.
Some of you might need to start by getting over your fear of playing with others. I was in that position. My suggestion is this: if you’re new to multiplayer activities, start simple. Keep an eye out on LFGs for straightforward, easy stuff–like running the story missions or a few strikes–then move on to exotic quests, Iron Banner, or other more challenging tasks.
Assuming you’re ready to raid, there are many, many resources available to you. I’ve already mentioned DestinySherpa above. Go there ASAP if you haven’t yet!
Next, I strongly recommend join a clan! Look for a decently sized and active one, as well as one with a social dynamic you enjoy. Many clans have Sherpa programs or offer regularly scheduled teaching raids; good clans want to keep members, so they will provide resources. However, don’t just start spamming the channels to get Divinity carries. Chat with your sherpas like they are human beings; get a sense of their schedules, and figure out the sorts of raids they like to run. (Remember Step 1: be patient!)
There are a handful of other sites and apps open to first-timers. The is solid, featuring a handful of good Sherpas who schedule teaching raids in advance. I was able to learn all of the Y1 raids there; use the filters to cycle through all of the raids one by one until you get lucky.
The Destiny app is more inconsistent, but useful nonetheless. Yes, there are lots of KWTD posts with ridiculous stipulations. That said, friendly teams or good sherpas often go there to pick up an extra player in a pinch. I’d recommend putting on the raid filter and checking regularly–you might get lucky. (It does have a schedule function, though it’s rarely used.)
Discord also hosts many other Destiny servers besides clans, including a few official ones. Keep your eyes peeled on Reddit and elsewhere for raid-focused servers, hosted by clans or individuals. There aren’t a ton and they pop up infrequently, but they offer great places to learn raids.
Ok. that is that. Now get raiding, and please comment with any thoughts!
submitted by JP_Ervin to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

NFL Odds Comparison Tool

Hi everybody,
I have built an excel file that allows you to easily compare odds across different US sportsbooks for NFL games. The odds update automatically every minute, and the underlined values are links to that specific sportsbook and game. I currently have the standard bet types available (spread/moneyline/total) as well as the option for both American and Decimal odds.
File here: Link
I acknowledge that some form of this exists online, but I thought an excel version could be extremely useful to people as many people build models in excel. This file would allow you to reference the live odds compared to your model without having to manually check a bunch of different sportsbooks.
This is “v1” of the file, so I’d love to get some feedback on how to make it better. Future versions may have the following:
-Prop Bet comparisons
-Live Odds comparisons
-More sportsbooks
-More leagues
I have also built a bet tracker spreadsheet that I posted a few months ago, and hope to build more valuable tools in the future.
Note: the excel file does have some links to create an account at sportsbooks. If you find the spreadsheet useful, please consider using them.
submitted by eta_123 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

Help regarding a spreadsheet

Hey guys,
So, I've been using this spreadsheet and really find it awesome:
(thanks a lot to the people who worked to put it together)
However, I have a question about it. Whenever I click on a cell to input something, it shows a box that reads: "Input Instructions". This box really bothers me sometimes as a lot of the time is actually in my way when I try to click on other cell. Is there a way to hide this box?
submitted by Ambrouse to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

My realistic predictions for the June Update and Discussion

Alright guys, let’s talk about expectations and realistics for the June Content update, weighing the current evidence available to us (And yes I know my last prediction thread was way off haha, but I think it makes for fun discussion).
TLDR: I expect 2 full sized maps at the minimum (but cautious potential for more) with a decent weapons selection.
Maps (Confirmed and Likely):
Libya: All we have confirmed as of now is that we will be receiving 1 Desert-based Libya map, and it will support 64 players.
I think it’s safe to say with near certainty that this is the former 5v5 Map Al Marj Encampment, presumably expanded and upsized for the 64-player game modes. Temporyal confirmed via Twitter the internal map name matching the image:
If this location is still Marj (they might be calling the map another area of Libya but I think that’s unlikely), then it probably will be the UK vs GER for to give us 4/4 North African maps.
Pacific Ocean: We know from Temporyal’s data mining that one of the weekly challenges in chapter 6 was going to be naval themed, specifically with the quote: “Win 1 Round on The Pacific Ocean”. Given that matches all the earlier map-based challenges, we can safely assume at some point DICE had a pacific ocean map far along in the pipeline.
Along with the plethora of Naval-themed stuff already found in the files and added with update 6.6, I’ll be optimistic and say I think it’s a fair chance we get the Pacific Ocean map in june.
Maps we (most likely) won’t be getting:
Due to recent comments by Braddock when users ask about their inclusion, I think we can safely bet the night versions of Narvik and Panzerstorm won’t be coming, sadly. Too much talk about the large amount of reworking the lighting that would have to happen for me to think this will be a reality.
Eastern Front: with the only indication in the files being the LAD lmg, which I believe was confirmed to be part of the 5v5 mode initially, any hopes for seeing the Russians should be laid to rest.
Wild Speculation on any remaining Maps:
Call it foolhardy optimism, but I’d like to think DICE wouldn’t leave us without at least 2 US vs GER maps in their second world war game, but given absolutely no evidence towards this, I can’t say I actually expect it. All I can theorize is that we already have models of beaches, stone bunkers, and all the US Naval assets for a Normandy landing. We have plenty of Desert assets for Tunisia or Sicily (Including a map called Sicily, at one point), along with Husky and El Alamein camos for the Sherman. And we have the completed bridge asset from Twisted Steel that could be utilized in a Market Garden map. Again, I sadly expect none of this to be a reality, but just figured I’d throw it out there.
Based on the excellent content tracker by colers100 :
Along with weapon updates from 6.6 by Temporyal, I think we have 2 weapons confirmed for June: The M3 Infrared Sniper and the Chauchet.
A few more plausible ones:
Lancaster smg
M1917 Enfield
PPK (Which now doesn’t have a silencer according to Temp)
1911 Silenced
Welrod pistol
Overall, I don’t think we’ll be completely devoid of new content, but the June update has far more potential to disappoint rather than impress imo. What would you guys like to see or think?
submitted by Lur7z6 to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

2019 r/NFL Top 100 Players (of the 2018 Season) - #5 thru 1

Hello everyone and welcome to the final installment of the Top 10 players for this year’s NFL Top 100.

Today we bring you the players whose average rank placed them from 5 thru 1 with write-ups for each player from some of this year’s rankers.
The post format will be a touch different today as the write-ups incorporate the current season played as well as player potential legacies.
Here in the main body you will see the player card, a players history of All Pro nods (1st & 2nd Team AP & PFF, if applicable), Pro Bowl invites, NFL Top 100 lists and any MVP’s earned followed by a write-up. Included in this post is a survey for the players ranked in this release.
With that, sit down and strap in, the final post in this year’s list is ready to go! You sufficiently hyped?

#5 – Fletcher Cox – Interior Defensive Line (43) – Philadelphia Eagles

Accolade Total Year
NFL Pro Bowl 4 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
AP All-Pro 1st Team 1 2018
AP All-Pro 2nd Team 3 2014, 2015, 2017
PFF All-Pro 1st Team 1 2018
NFL Top 100 5 2014 (72), 2015 (26), 2016 (38), 2017 (30), 2018 (5)
Written By: MikeTysonChicken
Player Profile Card
2018 Season
Fletcher Cox's counting stats are as insane as you would expect for the 5th best player of the 2018 season:
GP GS Sacks Tackles QB Hits Hurries Stops
16 16 10.5 33 24! 61 30
Those 24 QB hits lead the NFL in 2018 (tied with Yannick) among all pass rushers. Cox also finished second in the NFL in total pressures with 95 in the regular season. Those 95 regular season pressures by the Monster from Mississippi were eclipsed on 4 separate occasions since 2010 - one of those times by Aaron Donald this year!
Like Aaron Donald, Fletcher Cox wasn't just one of the best Interior Defensive Linemen in the NFL in 2018, he was one of the best defensive players in 2018 and easily the second best pass rusher this year. Cox earned his first 1st Team All Pro Honors after previously earning second team AP 3 other seasons.
This pass rush clip perfectly exemplifies the season Fletcher Cox had.. Hard to make Zack Martin look like Patrick Omameh but Cox was able to do so. He's like a big choo-choo train when he attacks a QB and is violent at the point of attack. Violent at the point of attack you say? He'll throw you out of the club! Cox is a technician like any top-tier pass rusher in the NFL but what makes him truly great is his elite athleticism, exceptional power, and relentless motor. All three of those traits are exemplified in this clip from Cox. Fletch is the recipient of frequent double-teams and slide protections despite the fact that they almost don't matter for him. In that recent clip, Cox easily handled Andrus Peat and Max Unger; this was his first play after leaving the playoff game briefly against the Saints due to a foot injury he'd ultimately have surgery on this offseason. All of the attributes that make him one of the greats in the game were in full display there.
Even Jared Goff knows to get the hell out of the way when Fletch is coming to eat.
His power and quick burst look almost casual.
Speaking of Omameh, poor guy didn't have a chance.
Cox is also a smart and talented run defender along the interior of the line. In the last 5 years, Cox is ranked 9th as a run defender among his peers per PFF and was graded very well there again this year. He uses his strength and athleticism well while always being in a position to make a stop. He's an aggressive rusher but he has a relentless motor. Check out these chase downs this season: 1, 2, 3, 4, and finally 5.
Cox is freaking amazing and the force that makes the entire Eagles defense go. Eagles fans should be ecstatic to add another interior rusher in Malik Jackson that can pair with Cox. While this duo should be a lot of fun on game days, only one man will occupy the nightmares of opposing teams and that's Cox.
Budding Legacy
Austin Gayle from PFF wrote an article saying Cox will go down as one of the best to ever do it despite living in the large shadow Aaron Donald casts. While I'm unsure about Cox's placement in the history of the NFL, or even what to guess it could end up being, it is hard to argue against that headline. This isn't a slight at Donald by any stretch of the imagination; Donald will most certainly go down as one of the best to ever play in the NFL. It's just crazy to think how Cox has been relatively close to Donald over the years.
Consider the following from the sourced article: Among the 125 interior defensive linemen with 500 or more pass-rush snaps since 2015, Donald ranks first in pass-rush grade (95.9), total pressures (375) and pass-rush win percentage (22.1%). Cox ranks second behind Donald in all three metrics. Then Gayle follows it up with this: And the trend continues, as Donald led all at his position in pass-rush grade in each of the past four seasons (2015-18). Cox ranked second two of the years (2017 & 2018) and third in another (2015). Lastly, Gayle cites the following: As previously mentioned, Cox’s pass-rush win rate in 2018 (20.9%) is the fourth-best single-season mark of any defensive interior in the PFF era. And his 91.2 pass-rush grade this past season, another career-high for the big man, also ranks inside the top 10 among qualifiers since 2006.
Now, this is big-brained PFF material but the proof also matches the tape when you watch Cox over the years culminating into his incredible 2018 campaign. Even Doug Farrar acknowledges Cox is on a Hall of Fame track at this point in his career. While Cox still has more to achieve in order to be enshrined, he's undoubtly heading that way. It's quite likely fair to say that Cox is already the best defensive tackle in Eagles history. In a lot of other eras throughout NFL history, he'd be the best active player at his position let alone one of the best players in the league. He's rightly overshadowed by the excellence of his contemporaries in Donald and Watt who have already forged Hall of Fame careers... but Cox is great enough to cast a legacy all his own.
And he is doing just that.

#4 – Drew Brees – Quarterback – New Orleans Saints

AP All-Pro 1st Team 1 2006
AP All-Pro 2nd Team 4 2008, 2009, 2011, 2018
NFL Pro Bowl 12 2004, 2006, 2008–2014, 2016–2018
Super Bowl MVP 1 2009
NFL Top 100 7 2012 (8), 2013 (9), 2014 (38), 2015 (34), 2016 (26), 2017 (15), 2018 (4)
Player Profile Card
Written By: notDAME
Coming into the 2018 season at a whopping 39-years-old, nobody expected Drew Brees to put up the gaudy volume stats we saw from him throughout most of his career. Instead, the king of volume decided to put together the most efficient season of his legendary career.
It's no secret that Brees' arm strength has diminished and he isn't capable of some of the things he once was. He has been forced to adapt. In his 2012 season (5177 yards, 43 touchdowns), Brees' average completion traveled 7.15 yards through the air. In 2018, that figure has dropped to just 5.95 yards per completion.
Given the relatively short average distance of his passes, Brees' expected completion percentage was 67.0% this season, the 6th highest in the league among active quarterbacks. However, Brees' actual completion percentage wasn't the 6th highest in the league -- by completing 74.4% of his passes, Brees blew away his own single-season completion percentage record. This disproves the argument that Brees' high completion percentage is just a result of him being conservative -- five quarterbacks had a higher expected completion percentage (Carr, Mariota, Brady, Manning) than Brees last year, yet none of them came close to Brees' accuracy.
Some may argue that Brees' numbers benefited from a very talented offensive unit. While the Saints' receiving corps was very mediocre (if even) outside of Michael Thomas, we can entertain this argument. Brees' accuracy percentage (from PFF) also happened to lead the league by a wide margin. His adjusted completion percentage (takes into account drops, spikes, etc) of 82.2% still holds a significant edge over second-place (Kirk Cousins, 79.5%). Whichever way you want to look at it, Drew Brees is the most accurate quarterback in football.
Brees' performance over the course of the season led to incredible results for the New Orleans Saints. The Saints averaged 3.21 points per drive, the second-most (2018 KC, 3.25) since the 2007 Patriots. That's pretty good company. The Saints won 13 of 15 games with Brees under center. Despite the dominant regular season, though, Brees wasn't exactly coasting by. He still led the league in both fourth-quarter comebacks (6) and game-winning drives (7).
In addition to his absurd completion percentage, Brees boasted the third-highest touchdown percentage in the league among starting quarterbacks, the highest passer rating, and the second-highest adjusted net yards per pass attempt. In the latest stage of his prolific career, Brees showed that his skill set isn't limited to that of a volume passer -- he's still the most accurate quarterback in league history.
It's hard to predict how Brees will be remembered. It will certainly hurt that he happened to play in an era with other legendary passers like Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, and Aaron Rodgers. Maybe having the best playoff stats among the group will bolster his claim to greatness. Or maybe it will be overshadowed by a stretch of 7-win seasons from 2014 to 2016. Regardless of how Brees is remembered, though, he will retire as the all-time leader in passing yards and completion percentage, and possibly even touchdowns. More importantly, he will retire as a champion.

#3 – DeAndre Hopkins – Wide Receiver– Houston Texans

AP All-Pro 1st Team 2 2017, 2018
AP All-Pro 2nd Team 1 2015
PFF All-Pro 1st Team 2 2017, 2018
PFF All-Pro 2nd Team 1 2015
NFL Pro-Bowl 3 2015, 2017, 2018
nfl Top 100 3 2015 (18), 2017 (11), 2018 (3)
Player Profile Card
Written By: Barian_Fostate
DeAndre Hopkins is the most valuable receiver in the NFL. Julio Jones is bigger, Antonio Brown is quicker, and Odell Beckham is faster, but when it comes to all of the little things that make great receivers great – physicality, ball skills, instincts, and stepping up in huge moments – there is nobody else in the league who can match Nuk as a total package.
Whether he is dunking on Jalen Ramsey over and over again, or effortlessly catching back shoulder touchdowns against a well-positioned corner, Hopkins is one of the few receivers I’ve ever seen who, even when he’s covered, he’s definitely not covered. Nuk’s contested catch rate of 58.1% was extremely high – fifth in the league in 2018 to be exact – and he also set a new record for most receptions in a season without dropping a single pass (115). Simply put, it didn’t matter how good the cornerback was, or how much he was double teamed, if that ball was anywhere near Hopkins’ zip code, he was coming down with it.
But what was most impressive from DeAndre last season, especially for me as a Texans fan, was how he stepped his game up even more when it mattered the most. It’s no secret that the Texans as a team were rather, well…let’s say “fortunate” to win as many games as they did in 2018. There were a lot of bounces that went their way, and a lot of last-minute field goals from our lord and savior John Christian Ka'iminoeauloameka'ikeokekumupa'a Fairbairn to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. BUT…without DeAndre Hopkins, the Texans would not have had even the slightest whisper of a chance to win all of those “fortunate” games in the first place.
Hopkins had the second most yards in the fourth quarter or overtime of any receiver – trailing only Julio Jones – despite the fact that Houston was 27th in the NFL in total pass attempts, while Atlanta was fifth. He also had the second-most receptions (31), sixth-most yards (359), and fourth-most first down conversions (23) on third or fourth down pass attempts, again despite the fact that all of the names above him on those lists came from teams (Kansas City, Minnesota, Green Bay, Cincinnati, Tampa Bay) that passed significantly more than Houston did. In short, in big moments that required even bigger plays, Hopkins always delivered.
This man just dragged a team to the playoffs despite the fact that his young quarterback was running for his life all year, his other two top receivers got hurt, and he was double teamed on the majority of his snaps. He won with strength, he won with mind games, and he won with a historically good pair of hands. He may not be the most gifted physical specimen in the league, but you bet your ass that you want him on your team more than anyone else on 3rd and 15 in the fourth quarter when you need him the most. The value that Hopkins brings to the Texans is immeasurable, and if that doesn’t mean he is the league’s best wide receiver going into 2019, then I don’t know what does.

#2 – Patrick Mahomes – Quarterback – Kansas City Chiefs

NFL MVP 1 2018
NFL Offensive Player of the Year 1 2018
AP All-Pro 1st Team 1 2018
PFF All-Pro 1st Team 1 2018
NFL Pro-Bowl 1 2018
nfl Top 100 1 2018 (2)
Player Profile Card
Written By: TDeath21
Following the regular season finale of 2017, we saw the tremendous potential Patrick Mahomes had. The ceiling was, quite obviously, very high. We also saw the bumpy road that could potentially await. He takes risks and he makes incredible throws, and coming into his first year starting, many of us expected him to have a learning year. Well, if 2018 was a learning year, look out. It became apparent in the first month of the NFL season that Mahomes was special, and not just a little bit.
Backing up slightly here in Chiefs history, I would say that for my entire lifetime as a Chiefs fan, when the opposing team scored to go up by 3 with 39 seconds left and we have one timeout left, the game was over. You just knew it deep down. This is exactly what happened in the AFC Championship Game. Situation: 1st and 10. Down 3. 32 seconds left. Ball at the 31 yard line. 1 timeout available. What does Mahomes do? First, he’s going to step up, avoid the rush, then roll out to his right and deliver a strike to his running back down the sideline. From that back angle, you can see how it appears Ware isn’t even open. Then he’s going to step right into the rush and deliver a deep strike down the middle of the field. And in the blink of an eye, field goal range. Just. Like. That.
I don’t need to post basic statistics here. You all know about the 5,000 and 50 as a first year starter. You know the first team All Pro selection and of course the MVP Award. You probably know he led the Chiefs to 3.25 points per drive this past season, tops in the league. You probably know that he also led the Chiefs to 41.53 yards per drive, which was also tops in the league. Then of course you probably know how atrocious the opposite side of the ball was overall. 26th in DVOA, 31st in yards, 24th in points, and 28th in points per drive, and 32nd in yards per drive is what was going on when Mahomes was on the sidelines watching his defense. The four losses in the regular season, the Chiefs put up an average of 37.5 points. Eclipsed 50 once and 40 once, with the lowest total being 28. This was an offense that was historic, and he spear headed it.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Kelce, Hill, Hunt, Watkins, they’re getting open a lot of times and making throws easy for him. Yes he makes the right read and gets the open guy the ball. Shame on him right? Oh but what about when receivers are covered well? How bout the best in the league and the best PFF has ever recorded?. Need proof? Buckle up. This is absolutely perfect defense, but it didn’t matter because Mahomes just puts it right over the defender for the TD. For good measure, let’s look at that in slow motion. Nothing more could be done. On this one, I’m not even sure how he even made the decision to throw that ball. Defense isn’t sure either. If it wasn’t perfect, that’s picked, or at the very least, incomplete. Turns out it was perfect though. Shocking. Then we have the Raiders. Poor Raiders. On back to back plays, Mahomes is going to make them wonder what more they can even do. As he rolls out to the right, he places the ball in an absolutely perfect spot for Kelce to go up and get it. As the defense is still recovering from that one, he fits a ball into a window that essentially wasn’t even there. Not defendable at all.
He can stay in the pocket and make throws under duress. He’s not phased. That was evident there in the second paragraph with the AFCCG plays. In case you hadn’t yet heard, he can use his legs and make incredible throws on the run too. Passing while running to his right? Yep, got that one covered. That ball had to be perfect and thread the needle there after escaping the rush, and it, of course, was. Passing while running to his left? Uh huh. No problem. You can tell Wagner here didn’t even think for a split second that the ball was going to be thrown behind him. He should have though if he read the scouting report properly. Yes he has the scrambling ability and the ability to throw on the run. The thing that just might be the most impressive though is that he never looks to run unless he has to. Chiefs fans can tell you how many times he stepped up or rolled out and we thought there was running room there, but instead he kept scanning the field. That’s an ability that’s extremely rare for a QB his age that can scramble well. It’s one that will keep him in the league much longer than most.
Patrick Mahomes is the real deal. He showed elite QB play all throughout the 2018 season. He was incredible with the basic stats, the advanced stats, and on film. He shredded defenses in the pocket, he shredded them outside the pocket, and he shredded them with his legs when necessary. He gave us highlight reel throw after highlight reel throw, from left handed passes to avoid the possible strip sack, or no look passes because … well, just because. He literally made every fan’s jaw drop on numerous occasions this season. He made other top tier world class athletes look silly. I would imagine other AFC West teams and even the AFC in general are not looking forward to the next decade plus with this guy under center (or in shotgun, whatever). For his spectacular and historic play in the 2018 season as a walking highlight reel, Mahomes comes in on our list at number (2, 1).

#1 – Aaron Donald – Interior Defensive Line (34) – Los Angeles Rams

NFL Defensive Player of the Year 2 2017, 2018
AP All-Pro 1st Team 4 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
PFF All-Pro 1st Team 5 2014, 2015,2016, 2017, 2018
NFL Pro Bowl 5 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
NFL Top 100 5 2014 (43), 2015 (2), 2016 (1), 2017 (1), 2018 (1)
Player Profile Card
Written By: Yji
(I'd like to shout out the great Twitter accounts I used to give you all visuals of Donald's play. @BrandonThornNFL, @MarkSchofield, @camdasilva, @SamuelRGold, @QBsMVP, @thecheckdown, @WillBrinson, @SteelersDepot. Thank you all for your great content, give them a follow everyone!)
Man, what can I say about Aaron Donald that hasn't already been said before? He's the GOAT. Plain and simple.
Coming off a season where he ranked #1 on last year's version of this list, many were wondering how could he get better than this? He won DPOY. 1st team All-Pro. Pro Bowl. Nobody would blame you if you thought he had reached his peak. Of course, you'd be wrong.
Donald started training with knives (haters will say they're fake, but still badass anyway) and perfecting his body, looking more like a bodybuilder than a 285 pound defensive tackle. He waited for his massive contract to come, and come it did. 6 years, $135M. Only one year later, he's looking underpaid. Aaron Donald conquered the NFL with maybe the greatest defensive season of all time. He set records, accumulating 20.5 sacks at the defensive tackle position, most of any DT all time. Donald led his team to the Super Bowl, recording 33 pressures in the 4th quarter and OT showing that when the game is on the line, he steps up and performs. Donald won DPOY for the second year in a row, went to the Pro Bowl and was voted All Pro again. Oh, and he did this all while being double teamed 70% of the time. Absolutely outrageous.
In case you didn't know, Aaron Donald is a really really good pass rusher. You don't rack up 106 pressures, most in the NFL and second most in the PFF era by accident. Donald puts up edge rusher type numbers as a defensive tackle, an incredibly impressive feat considering the extra traffic up the middle he faces.
Every great pass rusher has something they excel at. It could be the outside rip and dip move. It could be the swim move. It could be the bull rush. They all have something they specialize in. Aaron Donald has mastered all of them. His outside club rip move is devastating, with OL struggling to keep up with his ability to corner and reach the quarterback. Most edge rushers wouldn't dream of making plays like this. The quickness and the bend required is absurd. Hotness. Of course, he can't just throw outside moves all day, they'll expect it every time. That's when Donald flashes his power with the bull rush. Using his meaty paws, he lands his fists right onto the chest of the linemen and controls them, getting push and moving them backward on his way to the QB. And just when OL think they have all that handled, AD throws out the swim move, also called an arm over. This leaves linemen grasping at air wondering which way Donald has gone. All the way to the QB my friend. This is quite possibly Donald's most dangerous move, because he can attach it to so many different things, like the aforementioned bull rush. He just makes it look easy, man. This is just a small taste of what AD can do. He has a number of other moves, and when you can get to the QB in so many different ways, he's impossible to stop. Easy to see why he had 20.5 sacks last year.
What many people don't realize, though, is that Donald is an exceptional run defender as well. He's known as a pass rusher, but he destroys gameplans in the run game as well. Donald had the most TFLs by a DT in the past 20 seasons, consistently creating big plays for the defense and creating big problems for the offense.
Many of Donald's best plays in the run game come through one specific trait he has: his explosion and quickness. When an offense tries to run a zone blocking scheme or reach block him with an offensive tackle, it doesn't go so well. Donald uses that quickness to shoot the gap, flying into the backfield and creating havoc for the offense.. He'll use his swim move to dominate OL off the ball. Countless times it has ended up as a TFL for the offense, like this play where he dropped Kamara like he was a mere traffic cone. What offenses have done to try and stop this is using something called a trap block, which intentionally leaves him unblocked so a pulling linemen can hit him from the other side unexpectedly as he pursues the play. This has been very effective on some great DTs such as Ndamukong Suh. The only problem is, Donald is Donald and he knows when they're coming. The Saints tried it once and learned their lesson from then on.
But Donald doesn't just make plays shooting gaps. He's a remarkably sound run defender with exceptional gap integrity. AD will use his big ol' mits to lock onto the offensive lineman, control his chest and read the play. Teams have a difficult time running on him because he can control these gaps like a bigger nose tackle while having the quickness to disengage at a moment's notice or shoot the gap if needed. It makes him an absolute nightmare to game plan for. In every phase you need to know where 99 is.
In conclusion, Donald is essentially just a monster. You can't block him in the run game, you can't block him in the pass game, you just can't block him at all. He's a future Hall of Famer already and on pace to be the greatest DT ever, and on pace to be up there with with men like Lawrence Taylor and Reggie White as the best defender ever.






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2019 r/NFL Top 100 Players (of the 2018 Season) - #40 thru 31

Hello everyone and welcome to this installment of players for this year’s NFL Top 100.
Today we bring you the players whose average rank placed them from 40 thru 31, with write-ups for each player from some of this year’s rankers.
We say it in every post, every year, and this year it is truer than ever: these rankings are for the 2018 season, so all players are listed with their 2018 team and all performances are based on 2018 performances.
And a reminder, don’t miss out on the Thursday posts this year, as they will contain all of the polls, the rankings for kickers and punters as well as a write up from one of our rankers each week, laying out their strategy for ranking the players in their list.
Now, with all of that out of the way, here are the sixth group of names on the 2019 NFL Top 100 Players (of the 2018 Season).

#40 – Alvin Kamara – RB – New Orleans Saints

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- --- --- --- 36
Player Profile Card
Written By: Lazy_Street
Alvin Kamara wrapped up his 2nd season in the league with his 2nd Probowl appearance, coincendentally he also finished 2nd in overall TDs. Everyone knew it would be hard to replicate his OROY season where he rushed at an unsustainable 6.1 YPC. Still he managed to top 1500 yards from scrimmage and increase his total TDs from 14 (rushing and receiving and returning) to 18 in 2018. Having arguable the leagues best tackle combination in Ramczyk and Armstead does make his job easier but his balance and anticipation is still tops in the league.
Unfortunately, he was overshadowed by even more spectacular RB play from players like CMC, Barkley, Zeke. and Gurley. Part of this is due to the Saints offense functioning different than those players offenses but also Kamara was much methodical in his yardage this year, only having one run that went for over 20 yards. This was the lowesst amount of "explosive" run plays by far in the leagues top 25 rushing, and I think it demonstrates in a single stat how Kamara was overlooked despite his gaudy TD numbers. That's not to say he was dominant or dangerous, because he absolutely was in 2018, it just happened in a much more measured clip..
With all that being said, I would still rank Kamara within the top 5 in the league and Top 3 out of the backfield as a receiver and has an otherworldly ability to make people miss in space or just straight up absorb contact and still keep his feet and is also absolutely filthy at running routes.
Kamara figures to have another special season in 2019 and he will continue to climb higher on this list and others.

#39 – Dee Ford – EDGE – Kansas City Chiefs

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- N/R N/R N/R N/R
Player Profile Card
Written By: Tdeath21
Depending on who you ask, Dee Ford either had a break out season in 2018 and is poised to be a superstar or he performed well in a contract year and that’ll be that. Regardless of what you personally believe, he was spectacular this past season. The Chiefs offense often did their part and allowed the Chiefs defense to focus on their pass rush. Ford feasted on this opportunity and elevated himself to that top edge level in 2018.
The most impactful thing a defensive player can do is to cause a turnover. Ford did his part there with 7 forced fumbles, tying him for the league lead. The second most impactful thing you can do is to cause the offense to lose yardage. His 13 sacks tied him for 8th in the NFL. So I think it’s pretty safe to say that Dee Ford was a big time impact player for the 2018 season.
Let’s take a peek at how he did it. Mostly, we can attribute it to his incredible speed and explosiveness. This allowed him to do things like line up inside and blow by the guard with ease. Poor guy had no chance. Nearly all of his sacks, however, were something similar to this one, where he just blows by the tackle on the outside with his speed and finesse. Playing in Arrowhead meant that speed rush around the outside was extremely tough to stop for the opposing tackle. And struggle they did. Those 7 forced fumbles he had were mostly strip sacks such as this one at the expense of Derek Carr. He mastered the art of swiping at the ball as the QB exposed it to make the pass. Of course he was an amazing pass rusher. We know that by the basic stat line. But let’s not overlook the fact that he was more than capable of using his athleticism to shut down the running game as well. Here we see him use his strength to close down the hole the run was designed to go through and force the running back to bounce it outside. He then uses his speed to contain the outside, get over to the sideline, and make the run stop. That's not a play every edge guy in the NFL can make, and Ford made it look fairly easy here.
No question about it. Ford was an incredible player in 2018 and was a top guy at the edge position, one which many consider to be the second most important position in all of football. His incredible explosiveness, speed, and athleticism allowed him to be one of the top playmakers in the NFL this past season. For his efforts, we have placed him at a well deserved 39 here on our list.

#38 – Cameron Jordan – EDGE – New Orleans Saints

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
N/R 70 N/R 67 39 13
Player Profile Card
Written By: Lazy_Street
Cameron Jordan was signed to a much deserved three year extension after another fantastic season. He was dominant throughout the entire season playing the run and pass equall well, Cam is one of the strongest EDGE players in the game right now. He pairs that with great technique and very sharp football mind.
He plays with great awareness, being able to avoid blocks and shed. When that fails he will straight up stonewall someone like he did against Todd Gurly and his TE.
Really I can show you at least 2-3 plays a game where Cam gets doubled and still manages to affect the passer or stop a run. He has been adding more skills to his arsenal, as he has dabbled in standing up off the line and it has been really effective in certain packages
But still one of my favorite aspects of Cam's play is his underrated athleticism. He was able to chase down Lamar Jackson on an option play in what was one of the best defensive games in the league last season.
I think he is slightly underrated checking in a 38 on this list but it's not as egregious as it could be, I hope to see him even higher on the list next year.

#37 – Andrew Luck – Quarterback – Indianapolis Colts

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
N/R N/R 33 N/R 35 N/R
Player Profile Card
Written By: jaysrule24
Rejoice, for He is Risen! After an astonishing 616 days between games, many thought Andrew Luck would never be the same again. And after five weeks, some of those may have felt that they were right. While Luck boasted a career high 66% completion rate, and a respectable 12:5 TD:INT ratio, he also had a paltry 6.09 Y/A, prompting questions of whether his arm strength would ever return. Questions which were amplified in week 3, when backup QB Jacoby Brissett was brought in for the final play, to (over)throw a hail mary in less than ideal weather conditions.
But then, after the ugly Thursday night game in New England in which the Colts failed to dress a full 45 men, and lost more over the course of that game, Luck and the Colts started to turn things around. After one more tough game against the Jets, where the Colts were still getting healthy, Luck entered a stretch of 5 consecutive games with a passer rating over 100. A stretch where he threw for 16 touchdowns to just 3 interceptions and nearly 9 yards per attempt in which the Colts won each game by an average of 16 points.
The Colts' noble neckbearded leader cooled back off a bit over the final five weeks of the season, but still finished the season on a ten game stretch with 23 TDs to just 7 INTs, nearly 8 Y/A, a passer rating of 106.8, while the Colts went 9-1 to roar back from a 1-5 start to make the playoffs and win a game in the wild card round.

#36 – Mitchell Schwartz – Offensive Tackle – Kansas City Chiefs

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Player Profile Card
Written By: TDeath21
Raise your hand if you’ve heard the following sentence: “The best and most elite tackles will always play the left side so they can protect the QB’s blind side.” If I could see you all, I’d bet that all your hands would be raised. That rule of thumb is not so true anymore, as the top tier pass rushers will often switch around to exploit the weaker tackle. Some will even almost exclusively line up on the offense’s right side. In today’s NFL, the right tackle position is just as important, and Mitchell Schwartz had that position on lock down for the Chiefs in 2018.
Are you a PFF fan? Some are and some aren’t. If you are a fan of them, his pass blocking efficiency was 98.1, good for fourth among qualifying tackles. His run blocking grade was 71.2, good for 8th among qualifying tackles. What about Football Outsiders? Do you like them? According to them, the Chiefs, when running behind the right tackle, gained an average of 5.64 adjusted line yards, FO’s statistic which attempts to separate the offensive line from the running back with regards to yards gained. This was good for 2nd in the league. I’d say it’s pretty safe to say that Schwartz was elite in both phases of the game. How about durability? He didn’t miss a single snap all season. Those ahead of him in PFF’s pass blocking efficiency missed at least one game and some missed a few more. Schwartz provided stability, durability, and elite play in both phases of the game at the right tackle position.
Alright. That’s the stat sheet. Let’s see him in action shall we? I admittedly didn't watch every single snap from him this season on the coach's film. What I did do though is focus on the big match up of the season. Denver. A guy named Von Miller (maybe you’ve heard of him?) went head to head with Mitchell Schwartz for two games, and this was a matchup worth watching every snap from on the coach’s film. I came away even more impressed with Schwartz. I calculated up how many times Miller was chipped by a tight end or a running back and also how many times Schwartz was responsible for a pressure or a sack when going against Miller.
The results? In week 4, 1 pressure. That's it. No sacks. And that's according to PFF’s game grades. It’s honestly one I have to dispute. The only one I found all game that they could have possibly charged Schwartz with was THIS one. The now famous Mahomes left handed throw. What's he supposed to do here? It's an overload blitz and it's one on three. He chooses the inside guy, allowing Miller and one other one to go free. That's Miller's one pressure he had against Schwartz. I guess they charged Schwartz with this one, but I'm not sure how. Like I said, it's the only one all game that I felt PFF could have possibly charged Schwartz with a pressure. Throughout the game, Miller threw everything at him and it didn't work. Bull rush? Check. Outside speed rush? Check. In the second half, Denver just quit trying to get Miller to the QB one on one. They implemented a few stunts to try to free him up. They realized not even Miller was getting there one on one vs Schwartz. How did Schwartz do on those stunts you ask? If you guessed chip Miller, pass off the stunt perfectly, then proceed to be an elite pass blocker, you were right. In the week 8 game, it was more of the same. Schwartz dominating one on one. Miller did, however, get his in this one. A sack. Happens. Especially with Miller. This was also the only pressure of any kind in week 8. Miller made it count.
Oh yeah. About that one on one stuff I've been saying. I've been saying that because in all the snaps of both games Schwartz pass blocked against Miller, he received a chip or a double team from a RB, TE, or OG 3 times. 3. 3 times in I don't know how many snaps between the two games. The Chiefs 100% trusted Schwartz to lock down the best edge rusher in the NFL in two separate games, and he did it in all but one play. Due to his incredible pass blocking displayed throughout the season, his great run blocking, and his insane durability, he lands here on our list at number 36.

#35 – Zack Martin – Offensive Guard – Dallas Cowboys

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- 59 41 24 17
Player Profile Card
Written By: readonlypdf
Zack Martin was one of the anchors of a strong Dallas Offensive Line. Despite playing 877 Snaps, split about 65/35 Pass/Run, he only allowed 3 Sacks, 4 Hits, and 12 Hurries for a total of 19 pressures allowed across the 14 games he played in. That is solid production from the Guard Position. (All plays in gif form from Twitter) Some great examples include This Play against the Giants, These plays against the Jags, This Play against the Seahawks, and This block on a Swing Pass to Zeke.
These plays are just a sample of how well he played in 2018. He is a big reason why the Cowboys made the playoffs.

#34 – Antonio Brown – Wide Receiver – Pittsburgh Steelers

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
N/R 43 3 3 10 3
Player Profile Card
Written By: Letsgomountaineers5
What more can be said about Antonio Brown that hasn’t already been said in his many iterations on this list? Once again, AB continued to prove why he is the best pound for pound WR to ever play the game. With a propensity for big plays, AB continued producing in the most crucial moments. Never one to shy away from the spotlight, AB added another walk off TD to his resume.
What is it that makes AB so great, despite his average build and speed? Is it his elite footwork and stems off the line of scrimmage? Is it his uncanny ability to change directions without even breaking his stride, all while waiting until the very last possible millisecond to make a play on the ball (fooling his defenders)? Is it his ridiculous footwork, hand eye coordination, and grip strength that allows him to make plays like this (I know it’s from last year but come on!) or this ? Is it his uncoachable knowledge of field positioning, allowing him to almost always find the soft spots when he’s doubled or bracketed, or in this case, triple teamed?
In reality, it’s these traits and many more that make Brown a lock for the Hall of Fame one day, and in the discussion for greatest WR talent of all time (I said discussion, guys…). Even in a “down year” for his standards, it’s why he’s found himself so high up on this list. While his 62% catch rate might not scream “ELITE” consider that of his 164 targets, only 105 were “catchable.” Of those 105, he caught 104. Also consider that he faced a murder’s row of corners by the likes of Ward, Humphrey, Trufant, Ramsey, Bouye, CHJ, Hayward, Gilmore, and Lattimore. Even while facing coverage predominantly by this corners, he still received TRUE double teams 8.5% of the time. That’s assigning two men or more to shadow AB, not just safety help. Hell, Belichick had the best corner in football shadow AB all while doubling him at the highest rate he saw.
Antonio Brown was an incredible player this year, and his very deserving of his ranking. His greatness is outlined even more when comparing him to his Steelers, counterpart, Juju. Juju was incredible, but he benefited heavily from AB being AB. Antonio Brown faced press 30% more of the time than Juju, man coverage in general 70% to Juju’s 55%, played 76% of his snaps outside and on the line (Juju played 44% of his snaps outside and only 40% on the line), and was doubled at one of the highest rates in the league (Juju was doubled 5 times all year). I felt it’s necessary to illustrate just how much attention Brown received, even with one of the 15 best WRs lining up across or inside of him. I will greatly miss his football contributions next season.

#33 – Davante Adams – Wide Receiver – Green Bay Packers

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- N/R N/R N/R N/R
Player Profile Card
Written By: packmanwiscy
Let’s play a game. Can you name all the Packers pass catchers that played more than ten games in 2018? You’ve read the title, so you already know Davante Adams is here. But who else? Jordy Nelson? Nope, he was in Oakland. Randall Cobb? Geronimo Allison maybe? Wrong again, both were injured all year. Jimmy Graham? Ah yes, the decaying corpse of a 32 year old former All-Pro did technically play all 16 games, congratulations. Times up! Did you get Marquez Valdez-Scantling, Equanimeous St. Brown, J’Mon Moore, Lance Kendricks, Mercedes Lewis, and Robert Tonyan? Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t. But all three wideouts listed were third day rookie draftees, and the three other tight ends caught less than 300 yards of passes combined.
In short, the Packers receiving corps was very talent deprived. Adams was the only guy that caught passes that wasn’t a rookie or a lumbering husk of a tight end. Did that mean that Adams saw a disproportionate amount of passes flying his way? Maybe. But opposing defenses also knew that he was the only real playmaker running routes and game planned accordingly. Still, in 15 games this year, Adams caught 111 balls (T6 in the league) for 1386 yards (7th, T4 if we’re going by YPG) and 13 touchdowns (T2).
The first thing that comes to mind about Adams is his route running. Tae is one of, if not the best route runner in the league, and an absolute master at creating separation. According to PFF, Adams had 1,242 receiving yards with a step or more of separation, which is the most in the league. He’s a master of releasing well off the line and using his footwork to get open.
If you want some examples, there’s plenty. See up top how Adams uses a stutter step to get by Prince Amukamara. Look at this single cut on Darius Slay in the slot to create separation. How about a textbook slant to get open? Here’s a great out route that catches Xavier Rhodes flat footed and creates enough space to dive into the end zone.
If you’ve had enough of Adams cooking divisional rivals, just watch him blow by Tre White on a slant, create enough separation to slip by the Niners D and get out of bounds to set up a game winning field goal, use another stutter step on Marcus Peters for a big gain, then do the same on Tre Flowers, and so on and so forth.
These skills also help him in the RAC game. Just watch how Adams cooks the Bears for a TD here. Tae also has great body control, as demonstrated by his touchdown grab against the Cardinals and another great grab in the same game here
Davante Adams is no doubt a Top 5 wide receiver in the league and is very deserving of his spot on the list. He’s a fantastic all around WR that excels in route running, great after the catch, and fantastic body control when needed. The fact that he can do all this despite the fact that opponents knew all last year he was the only receiver on the Packers that Rodgers had trust in shows how great of a player Tae is. With the Packers getting a new head coach and a new offensive scheme that isn’t as reliant on receivers running their way open, along with the other receivers growing older and better, Tae’s production may drop next year. But let this be a reminder on how talented Adams is.

#32 – Danielle Hunter – EDGE – Minnesota Vikings

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- --- N/R N/R N/R
Player Profile Card
Written By: uggsandstarbux
Danielle Hunter (pronounced duh-NEEL) was by far the best player on a loaded Vikings front 7 this season. He was everything any team would want in a starting DE. Not only was he an elite pass rusher (4th in sacks with 14.5), he was one of the best defenders against the run (4th among EDGE players in defensive stops with 44). His career high sack numbers now have Hunter holding the franchise record for sacks in a player's first 4 seasons ahead of Hall of Famer Alan Page. He was a versatile player that played the 4th most snaps among DL (1023) and played those snaps from both DE positions as well as on special teams. What's scary is that he was equally as effective in both DE positions. Hunter was 1st among EDGE players in tackles for loss (21) and 3rd among EDGE players in hurries (49). He was also voted to his first Pro Bowl and was a 2nd team All Pro in 2018.
Want to look at more than just numbers? Hunter's film supports his skills as well. (Detroit fans might want to look away). His hand technique has developed quite nicely since being a 3rd round SPARQed out rookie. His hands compliment a great side step that helps him get the edge against elite pass protectors like Jason Peters and Ricky Wagner. But Hunter is more than just one move. He can beat you inside. He can beat you on stunts. He can beat you with his power. He can swim past you like his last name is Phelps. He can even beat you when you double team him, as shown by this GB GB (Green Bay Gang Bang). Heck, most of the time he's just better than you, and there's no need to overthink it.
He's not just a brainless monster either. Hunter's intelligence shows on the field. He doesn't bite on play action and can sniff out the ballcarrier with ease. Just take this excellent read against Taysom Hill. He switches from pass rush to run defense gracefully as well. Look at this play where he manhandles the TE in pass protection and then identifies Stafford with the attempt to escape the pocket.
But among all of that, none is my favorite thing about Hunter. No, my favorite thing about Hunter is his heart. Hunter gives maximum effort on every down and plays through the whistle all the time. Take this play, where he goes from bull rushing the OG against Arizona to turning his momentum around and chasing down David Johnson (who has 4.5 speed) 20 yards downfield. Or maybe this one, where he works through Gronk twice and another Patriots blocker to get outside the numbers and stop James White behind the LOS. Or maybe this play, where he continues to pursue Stafford on the QB scramble, leading to perfect positioning for his 2nd career TD.
Needless to say, Hunter is no longer just an athletic project for Mike Zimmer to tinker with. He's a bona fide, gap protecting, edge rushing, QB hunting monster. And he's only 24. Just wait to see what more he can do.

#31 – Derwin James – Strong Safety – Los Angeles Chargers

Previous Ranks
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Player Profile Card
Written By: milkchococurry
When I first covered the Derwin James acquisition in last season’s offseason review, I likened it to Melvin Ingram falling to the Chargers in the middle of the first round back in the 2012 NFL Draft. Then-GM AJ Smith called Ingram a “bonus pick” since Ingram was the kind of talent that shouldn’t have been available when he was. Derwin James was also a serious talent that fell farther than he should have. Unlike Ingram, though, James made an immediate and significant impact in his rookie season.
As far as the raw stats are concerned, James led the Chargers in total tackles last season (105), netted 3.5 sacks and picked off 3 passes. All of these are solid numbers that earned him a Pro Bowl nod and first-team AP All Pro at safety. But what really solidified his status as a serious up and comer at safety was the way he got those numbers. James became the Swiss Army Knife of the Chargers defense. He used all of his 6’2”, 215 lb frame to get in the way of passes and take down opposing ballcarriers. It didn’t seem to matter if the ballcarrier was bigger, already ahead of James, or even if it was a clear 1v1 matchup, there was a good chance James would be in on and make the play. He was in on seemingly every play, for that matter. James lined up in the box and played coverage, and no matter where he played, he usually played well. Did James have his rookie moments? Absolutely. But if you see the body of work from his rookie season, you couldn’t tell me he wasn’t up there as one of the best players on the Chargers defense.
Entering Season 2 in 2019, Derwin James now has more responsibility to learn and grow as a player and teammate. There are several seasoned vets in the defensive backs group, so James should not be in any rush to become the leader of the group. This doesn’t mean he shouldn’t spend 2019 grooming himself for that role though, as he has the highest ceiling out of all the DBs on the team. Combined with his youth, he will become a team leader soon enough. If James builds on and learns from his rookie campaign and continues to play his game with the same fervor that he showed in his rookie season, he may end his career as one of the all-time greats.




submitted by MikeTysonChicken to nfl [link] [comments]

Alpha testers wanted for a football betting tracker and manager

Hi folks I am in search for football punters who want to use my web app to track their football betting.
First let me give you a bit of back story...
Around June 2013 my friend, Noops, introduced me to sports betting as a means to make extra cash. At the time I was against all forms of gambling but Noops showed me how he approaches sports betting strategies and analysis to return profit.
It wasn't long before I was hooked. I come from a technical analysis background with some experience in forex and short term share trading. By August I started recording all my bets with google spreadsheet.
About a week into customising my spreadsheets with formulas and macros I realised that I'm going to need something more suited to the job of data management. I got a couple of quotes to create a sports betting database website but the it would have costed me tens of thousands of dollars.
So I decided to learn php and javascript programming language as well as mysql database so I could create the bet tracker website myself. After some weeks watching youtube tutorials I wrote my first lines of code around October 2013.
More than a year later I have a working bet tracker with the following features.
I've taken a couple of screenshots here (imgur is making me wait minutes between uploading screenshots)
So far only Noops and I use the bet tracker. This is the first time I'm opening up the website to other users.
If you are interested in giving this bet tracker a go then;
Feel free to ask me questions regarding this tracker.
Cheers, Pete
EDIT: I am currently fixing up some code before activating the new user accounts.
EDIT: I have created a new subreddit to manage all any chit chat related to this bet tracker
submitted by preginald to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

A Master Beginner's Guide to FFXIV - 1st Edition - Critiques welcomed!

Welcome to - An Intro to FFXIV and what to expect from Eorzea

Guide under construction for 5.0

About this guide/FAQ -

With an influx of WOW refugees from an overall disappointing release of WOW:BFA, and the arrival of 5.0, Shadowbringers (ShB) expansion, I thought to compile a list of useful info for someone who is interested in or new to FFXIV. This guide will contain a concise overview of most aspects of the game, such as how to get started, how to reach the end game, and what to do once you get there. Not every section will be useful to everyone, and nothing here should be taken as absolutes, but I hope new players can be directed here for an up to date(5.0), one-stop shop for a comprehensive overview of the FFXIV experience.

About the game (Pros and cons list will be partially subjective):

FFXIV is a subscription-based, classic tab-targeting MMO. It is currently on its 6th year, and the 3rd expansion just launched. The game, at its core, is still a Final Fantasy game. Meaning that it's heavily story driven, and its primary focus in on PVE. You don't need prior experience with other FF titles to enjoy this game. And no, it is not too late to start :)
  • Thriving and generally friendly community.
  • Welcoming for all skill levels.
  • Aesthetically/stylistically pleasing, and has seriously fantastic music scores.
  • Praised for the superb story-telling and writing as an MMO title.
  • Unique character system that allows players to do everything on one character, including becoming every job (all it takes is a simple gear change to enable a whole new set of skills). No need for alts and multiple story completions.
  • Overall stellar end game encounter and combat design.
  • Deep social and non-combat activities such as housing and crafting (among many more features).
  • Great controller support and seemless cross-platform play with PS4.
  • Lesser emphasis on PVP content relative to most other titles. Players can still very much enjoy the activities available, but usually not as the primary focus.
  • Old engine has strange quirks/limitations, and some players report server stability issues.
  • The initial playing experience and combat is incredibly slow, especially for a MMO vet. Many players abandon the game simply because there is a mountain of mandatory quests barring them from getting into the outstanding expansion/current contents. If quests aren't your thing, then you might struggle with this aspect.
Neutral Aspects:
  • Content releases are predictable and consistent. They are not looking to remake the game with each update, so you always know what to expect (new raids, dungeons, story, etc).
  • The game director has previously said that they don't expect players to stay subbed 100% of the time. The game can be taken month-by-month, based on individual goals.
  • There is a cash shop containing mostly cosmetic items as well as level/story skip potions. Does not offer any advantages in gameplay, and is not part of a pay-to-win model.
  • Jobs offer no customizations/skill trees/etc, but is very well balanced compared to most titles.
  • There is a strong emphasis on dealing damage regardless of your job choice. Healers and tanks are designed and expected to contribute significantly to damage output.
  • The Global Cooldown (GCD) is 2.5 seconds. Combat will be slow-paced until more Off-GCD abilities and GCD reduction buffs are introduced as you level up. Don't be discouraged by the early levels, and know that the combat builds on itself in layers through encounter and rotation complexity.
  • Unlike many other MMOs, almost the entirety of each job kit is useful from beginning to the end.
Sounds good! How Do I Start?
  • There is a no time-limit free trial, with a level cap of 35 on all classes/jobs. Note you can't go back to this after adding a full license.
  • The base game called the Starter Edition contains A Realm Reborn (ARR), and is good until level 50. If you buy the complete edition or upgrade the starter editon to Shadowbringers (5.0|ShB), it will also include both prior expansions, Heavensward (HW) and Stormblood (SB). This gives 7 new jobs, 3 new playable races, as well as raising the level cap to 80. Any edition can be upgraded to the digital collector's edition for extra mounts/minions/etc.
  • The base game comes with a 30-day subscription, but subsequent playtime has to be purchased at roughly $13-15 USD.
  • On PC, the game platform is either Steam or Non-Steam. Game licenses /accounts / purchases are separate from the two, so you will not be able to switch between them once committed.
  • There is an Official Benchmark Tool to see if your system can handle the game.

Your First Character

  • Gender / Clan / Race / Appearance have no meaningful impact on gameplay mechanically, pick what pleases you. This can be changed later with a Fantasia Potion (Only one is given for free when you play, otherwise it costs real $ to obtain more).
  • Your server will be in North America(NA), Europe(EU), and Japan(JP). Each region will have Data Centers(DC) which contain Worlds, and the Worlds within the DC will be able to do most content together (raiding, dungeons, and etc).
  • You may visit any world within your DC through the World Visit System, and be able to use most of the game's features.
  • Some worlds will have a preferred status, meaning that every source of experience will be doubled for a limited time. These servers are generally lower population, and is great for if you want to level multiple jobs. There is a 90-day lock-in before new characters can be transferred away to another server.
  • When a server is full during prime time, you will not be able to create a new character there. Try during less busy hours or a different server. You may only create characters on standard or preferred worlds. Congested servers will only open up when SE decides to. You may check server statuses here
  • Starting base class will dictate your starting city, but the storyline all converge at level 15 when you unlock the ability to travel to other cities and pick up new jobs/classes. Go with what you find interesting based on the Official Job Action Video / Official Job Guide.
  • If you want to read a more in-depth write-up, please check out this Comprehensive Job Overview & Selection Guide (under construction)
  • Tanks and Healers will have shorter queue times for group content typically, due to players having preference for damage dealing roles.

Starting out and the journey to end game:

  • Most content in FFXIV is locked behind the Main Story Quests (MSQ, denoted by a quest symbol with a meteor-shaped background). Unless you buy a story skip, you will need to do every single one. They range from basic overworld fetch quest to instanced combat. This will be your primary source of XP on your first job. It is generally recommended that you focus on completing these and not get side tracked too much.
  • A special kind of quest denoted by a blue background means that it will unlock some sort of feature upon completion. This can mean new job skills or access to glamour(cosmetics) and more. These are generally important and worth exploring.
  • The "Scenario Guide" UI element will help you stay on track if you get lost on the MSQ, and will also tell you when job/class specific quests are available (Character Configuration -> UI Settings -> Hide When All Quests Complete => Off). Remember to get your advanced job at level 30!
  • Plain side quests, deonoted by a yellow (!), are mostly optional and are done for a small amount of xp or extra lore. Some do unlock optional rewards/content, so you can check under this progression and level-locked content guide for some bonus items of interest.
  • Multiplayer instanced activities are done either via the Duty Finder(DF, default keybind "U"), or the Party Finder(PF). The DF is the game's automatic match-making system, where as the PF will be the manual option. Dungeons and Trials you come across the game as you progress is usually done through the DF. Leveling dungeons (15-47, 51-59, 61-69, 71-79) are a great source of XP if you happen to need them.
  • A feature located in the DF is the Daily Roulettes. They are categories of activities pooled together (such as all leveling dungeons, or all trials) to increase the use of older content by providing rewards/incentives for players of all level ranges that complete them. Note the bonus reward is only applied once daily per category.
  • Side quests, Fates (Overworld events), Leves, and Beast tribes, are also sources of solid XP.
  • You can treat the FFXIV leveling and story experience largely as a single player game, with numerous multiplayer dungeons and trials sprinkled throughout the journey. The early game does not do a good job making it easy to play/quest together with friends (Aside from the dungeons and trials).
  • The game isn't meant to be rushed. If you find yourself bored of the endless fetch quests and dialog, you are probably not alone. The 1-50, 2.0-2.4 ARR MSQ experience is generally considered super slow, but the buildup will all be worth it. Keep in mind that patch content was meant to be drip feed to players over months/years. Feel free to branch out and take breaks.
Things you probably wish you knew from the start -
  1. Starting out, attune to all the big/small aetherytes (teleport spots) when you pass by them. You can set large Aetherytes as preferred/home to reduce cost. Don't forget you have "Sprint" available when getting around.
  2. Each base class has a hunting log you can complete for some early XP. The weekly challenge log is also a great place for various rewards when starting out.
  3. Do the novice questline at level 15, which gives you solid leveling gear and a ring that boosts combat XP. Located at major cities' adventurer's guild (Green sprout icon).
  4. Do your best to always keep the Global Cooldown (GCD) spinning/rolling in combat by hitting your skills repeatedly before they come up. GCDs are skills tied to a global 2.5 second timer, and off-GCDs (abilities) can be used between GCDs. Minimize the time doing nothing in combat.
  5. Use Chocobo companion in combat when you can, they are cheap & helpful(unlocks at lvl 30). Ability to ride them will be unlocked via the main story in the early 20s once you join a Grand Company(GC). You'll need 200 GC seals to purchase it (Fates or Hunting Log are easy ways)
  6. Vendor gear is useful for replacing outdated gear (5-10 levels behind). Wearing level appropriate gear is very important.
  7. Do use Gil on teleports. Time > money. Note you can also click on the aetherytes in the mini-maps to teleport (hold Ctrl to bring to top).
  8. Logging off/staying in sanctuaries (area near aetherytes) give you "rested" bonus xp towards leveling. You'll notice a small moon-shaped symbol next to your XP bar.
  9. You interact with the Market Board(MB) via Retainers. You can look at price comparison and history when buying off of the MB or listing something w/ your retainers (also get retainers and send them out. They can still do ventures while selling). You can have 2 retainers for free.
  10. Read your tool tips and don't disable in-game help. Remember to look at the traits and role actions too. Equip all of your role actions as you get them.
  11. Be friendly, say you are new when joining group duties for the first time. Most people will be mindful. A quick and easy resource for encounter guides is the series done by MTQcapture. Also check out this handy tanking infographic.
  12. Limit break (LB), under general ability, comes in many forms based on your role. It is important to note that the LB meter is a shared resource across the whole party. The dps ones aren't just for hitting bosses. Using the ranged or caster limit break on multiple enemies can have more value, especially if you use it early enough and have time to generate another later down the line.
  13. Starting at level 50, you will start earning Tomestones of Poetics and you can buy some of the best level 50/60/70 gear available from Auriana, Hismena (Locked behind HW) and Enna (SB). I recommend to not use Gil on the MB for gear from this point onwards.
  14. You'll unlock the quest for the Zodiac/Anima relic weapons at 50/60. These are purely for glamour now so consider these end game activities.
  15. The level 50 raid, The Binding Coil is an optional series of fights with a story, but is intended to be difficult content at level 50. If you want to play through them, the current best options are using the PF and hosting it "unsynced" to be carried through, or find a dedicated group yourself to learn and beat the fights synced.
  16. Do not use the DF for difficult content like Extreme / Minstrel's Ballad / Savage content, more about this below in the high-end content section.
  17. Crafting and gathering is completely optional. It's a large commitment if you want meaningful objective returns. Feel free to take these as a way to break monotony from questing. (More on this later).
  18. I recommend using the legacy control scheme when using keyboard & mouse. Without going into too much details, it essentially boils down to how the camera will play weird quirks with your movement while casting and moving away from your target. Standard controls do allow a more complete control over character facing and is useful for warriors in particular, however. I encourage you do give both a try, even if you are coming from WOW.
  19. Default UI and keybinds leaves a lot to be desired in terms of convenience and accessibility. Customize early, and customize often. There are a lot of UI features that are hidden out of plain sight. (And the Official Guide)
  20. Macros are tricky. They are coded to not queue properly, so do not tie them to a GCD and only use them when you fully understand how macros work in this game.
  21. When using the DF on the JP data center, include all other language options to reduce queue time.
  22. When you need to travel to the Waking Sands later on, teleport to Limsa, then teleport to the arcanist guild aetheryte, and take the ferry.
  23. There is a timer's tab (Default Ctrl + U) that shows you when various weekly caps reset.
  24. Early zones may seem quiet and inactive, but that's because the majority of the player base hang out in certain end game hubs, cities, or housing wards. There is also no global chat aside from the Novice Network (NN), so many players will be conversing in their Free Company (Guild) chat or in private Link Shells (private chat rooms).
  25. The NN is a channel populated by mentors who have satisfied the requirements set by the game designers, and have the ability to invite new players in order to provide help. Ask anyone with a Crown symbol next to their name to do so. The quality of this channel is inconsistent, as mentors are not always helpful (but they can be), so use this at your own discretion.
  26. After registering a full game, remember to apply a recruit-a-friend code before buying subsequent subscriptions. /ffxivraf is an option if you have no preference on who gets credit.
  27. You can optionally add a 2-factor authentication to improve account security and gain a free teleport location.
  28. There is a Companion App for mobile that grants another cheap/favorite teleport spot and MB tools.
End game - Finally! Now that you are 80 and caught up with the MSQ, what's next?
Gearing -
  • Gear helps you do more damage, or take more hits, and is vital for tackling challenging content. Thankfully, it is not too difficult to catch up on gear to do current patch content.
  • Start doing level 80 content or roulettes at max level to earn Tomestones of Goetia and spend them at the end game hub for 340 gear, and Phantasmagoria Tomestones for 360 gear. -Hunts are a great way to earn end game currency and materia as well. Join a hunting LinkShell(LS) in your server by shouting (/sh) in major cities/hubs.
  • Dungeons currently award up to ilvl 340. Treat this as a means to access the various roulettes and ilvl gated content.
  • Normal mode raid gear is also an option - rewards up to ilvl 450 gear. The current raid for ShB is Eden.
  • In general, always expect there to be one set of crafted gear, one set of 24-men alliance raid, 2 sets of 8-men raid gear, and two sets of tomestone gear relevant to the most recent content.
Tips about gear -
  1. ilvl is generally the way to go. If you are unsure, pick the one with the higher ilvl.
  2. Weapon > Chest/Leg > Glove/Helm/Boots > Belt > Accessories in terms of stats distribution and influence.
  3. You may affix materias to gear, and doing so is crucial if you plan on tackling high-end content. More on this in that section.
Crafting(DoH) & Gathering(DoL) -
  • Probably the most intricate and nuanced crafting system in the genre, and requires significant time and gil investments to start seeing returns.
  • Great source of income as most crafted and gathered items are tradable/sellable to players.
  • Gatherers and Crafters are their own jobs, meaning that they have numerous skills, job quests, and their own rotations that have to be learned and mastered.
  • It is typically an all or nothing ordeal, because every DoH jobs have their own cross-job skills that can be used by all other DoH jobs. And as such, they are extremely vital in completing difficult recipes.
  • DoHs are the primary source of housing items, glamour, raid consumables, and many other useful items, but are not required at all for most content.
  • DoHs also allow players to repair their own gear, or (Over)meld materia to gear.
  • I recommend getting BTN/MIN leveled first. Gathering your own materials will make leveling the crafters much less costly.
  • The general leveling order of crafters is - Everything to 15, WVALC to 50, everything else to 50, then 60/70. This order prioritizes getting the more powerful aforementioned cross-job skills to ease the leveling process.
  • The systems in place are complex, and it takes time and resources to fully understand. It is best explained by this wonderful guide if you want to explore further.
  • A Crafting Simulator is helpful for figuring out macros.
What else can I do? -
  • There are a large number of mounts, minions, titles, and achievements to collect, and great resource regarding this is apkallufalls.
  • Housing can also be an lengthy endeavour if you want to secure a prime location and fully furnish it.
  • Try picking up a different job! They are all unique and have their own story and mechanics. For leveling alts, repeating the highest leveling dungeon available for tanks/heals is the norm (short queues), but dps might find the best results from spamming Palace of the Dead floors 51-60. (Full alt leveling guide)
  • Fishing, unlike its gathering counterparts, is generally more time consuming and is basically its own minigame. It can take a lot of time to collect them all.
  • Dive into a Deep Dungeon, you can go for challenges or use it as a alternative way to level up combat jobs (DoW/DoM).
  • The Gold Saucer is another side area filled with minigames and unique rewards.
  • "Glamour is the true end game" is thrown around for a good reason. There are numerous glamour communities focused on composing absolutely stunning media. GPOSERS | Light Party | EGI
  • Squadrons management.
  • Treasure hunting.

High-End Content

Here we are. These are some of the more challenging aspects of FFXIV, and is why some players choose to pursue the combat side of FFXIV. They reward players with the best available gear and is a noticeable step-up in difficulty from anything else you've done up to this point. Beating these near release at the intended ilvl will take practice. Expect to die/wipe, a lot, but it will all be worth it. The Ultimate Difficulty raids are some of the hardest content any MMO has to offer. All of these are balanced and done by 8-men parties, normally consist of 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 dps jobs. There is an excellent blog post by Bokchoy about diving into savage you should check out.
I will go over these from the easiest to the most difficult.
Extreme / Minstrel's Ballad -
  • Single fight format.
  • Lenient enrage timer and mechanics that focus more on individual performance.
  • Typically rewards a weapon only slightly worse than raid counterparts.
  • Has no weekly lockout on loot.
Savage Raids -
  • A souped-up version of the normal story raids. Somewhere around the mythic difficulty of WOW raids (Most easier, some harder). This is the core raiding experience for XIV.
  • Requires more planning, execution, as well as individual performance than extreme trials.
  • 4 Bosses per tier, 3 tiers per expansion.
  • Bosses generally ramp up in difficulty with each floor.
  • Loot is capped at one chance per week. Tokens are awarded to be exchanged for specific pieces as a safeguard for bad luck.
Ultimate Raids -
  • Only two available so far - UCoB and UWU.
  • Brutally difficult. Requires incredible skill, teamwork, and practice.
  • Awards the ultimate bragging rights, rare titles, as well as cool looking weapons for glamour.
Resources & Tips:
  1. Use the Party Finder for anything extreme +, not the Duty Finder. (Unless you are in JP).
  2. Everything aside from Ultimate is doable with a Pick Up Group (PUG) formed via the PF. But people form statics (a fix'd 8-man team) to increase consistency, clear speed, group synergy, and better loot distribution. You can find them in various discords or /FFXIVRECRUITMENT.
  3. Proper preparation is expected. This means getting the best gear available, with the right melds, and have high-powered consumables to help you eek out the most performance.
  4. Check out The Balance Discord. This is your go-to resource for job guides, gearing, raid strategies, and mentors who will be happy to answer job/encounter specific questions. Make sure you read all the pinned information first.
  5. Advanced Combat Tracker is the only "addon" available used to track player performance. This is only available on the PC clients and is technically against ToS, but Square Enix will turn a blind eye as long as you don't harass other players with information from it. This tool should just be used as a tool to help you improve. There will be consequences if you harass players with information obtained by this, you have been warned.
  6. ACT can be further augmented with Cactbot and Special Spell Timers.
  7. fflogs, xivanalysis, and xivrdps are tools to help you analyze player performance.
  8. There is an in-game system in place to evaluate readiness for these content called Stone, Sky, Sea.


  • Unlocks at level 30, and gear has no effect on player stats.
  • Has its own tailored/simplified set of skills/abilities for balance reasons.
  • 3 Main game modes:
    1. A three team, up to 72-player objective based brawl called Frontlines.
    2. A moba style, 24 v 24 game mode called Rival Wings.
    3. Small team, arena based mode called The Feast. (4 v 4 rankes and 8 v 8 unranked).
  • The Revival Wings Discord is your best bet in getting into Rival Wings matches.
  • Official PVP Guide.
  • Rewards are mostly cosmetic (Mounts/Titles/Glamour Items), in addition to some XP and tomestones.
Extra Misc. Resources
Thank you for reading!
Aww Jeff - Gilgamesh
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