Malta - Individual - Taxes on personal income

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Dear members,
Here is a summary in Q&A format for the impromptu session Paul, Jim and Roy did in an unofficial supporters group on 26 July 2018 which should allay most if not all fears and questions.
Compliance & Documents Needed For Withdrawals:
First and foremost, we're not fortune tellers, but from our experience with other regulated companies in similar asset classes to crypto, like FX, CFD's, etc. regulation is coming and in many places already here as we've all seen.
We're choosing to get out in front of this, so that when it does happen and the companies that are being completely negligent in their compliance and regulatory duties are getting pinched, we're in a good position. With that said, though, we need to be cognizant of competition and not be too strict so that we can't compete with the cowboy exchanges in the near term.
With that said, let's tackle the KYC issue upon withdrawal first.
The process for withdrawals is very simple, and currently there is no tiered structure...meaning its the same process regardless if you want to withdrawal 1 satoshi or 1K BTC. This is in place for many reasons, as it will be easier to start onboarding clients once our fiat to crypto module is in place, and also grandfathering people into the LP.
When withdrawing you'll need to fill out Form A if you are an individual, and Form A is simply saying the info you're providing is true and accurate and you're not a US citizen. Very standard.
Then you provide an ID and Proof of Residence.
NOTHING needs to be certified and NOTHING needs to be translated to English, as we have a fully staffed multilingual compliance department. Apologies if the instructions were confusing, as we're in the process of making some tweaks to make it less confusing.
KYC/Withdrawal process is the minimum possible but still following regulatory guidelines.
Q: R documents provided confidential ?
A: 100% and securely stored.
Q : Restricted countries?
A : Only countries that are restricted are OFAC countries and the dangerous country known as the US.
Q: also i wanted to confirm, as u have already partnered with selfkey , will there be a personal wallet for each user at your end??? or a combine wallet ?? will there be any fee the e walllet service
A: Selfkey won't take place for some time, so put that to the side for now.
Q : So maybe you shall delete current FAQ in profile section? Simply because it's too scary for all.
A : We'll def beef it up to make it much clearer.
Q: Before moving, Any different form for companies withdrawing ? And kyc
A: Yes, good point, company withdrawals have a diff set of docs, that can be found within the guidelines, But still to my knowledge, company docs need not be certified or translated to English either.
Q : Any different form for companies withdrawing ?
A : Yes, good point, company withdrawals have a diff set of docs, that can be found within the guidelines
But still to my knowledge, company docs need not be certified or translated to English either.
Q : TIO price
A : For better or worse, we all keep an eye on price of TIO. The employees and staff have TIO just like the we all have the same interests here.
With that in mind, please remember there are nearly 90M TIO in circulation. The volume today (or most days for that matter) is 200K or a quarter of 1% of TIO in circulation.
So while its natural to see, say a 5% decrease in price, you can't ignore this is taking place on literally no volume and off of exchange. The price is being dictated by bulls**t exchanges like BitForex which is complete hocus pocus.
In order for TIO to get to the BNB levels we need liquidity and participants. We fully expect once we're up and running in full force on our exchange and TIO is limited to that, we'll be in good shape, in our opinion.
Please note this is not a recommendation to buy or sell TIO, but rather pointing out some factual information.
You wouldn't be able to sell 25K without cracking the price. In order for TIO to get to the BNB levels you need liquidity and participants. We fully expect once we're up and running in full force on our exchange and TIO is limited to that, we'll be in good shape.
Q : Exchange
A : It's not perfect, far from it. However, to say its not light years better than the beta which didn't even have working market orders at the time, and a fraction of features that are out now is simply inaccurate. I'll be happy to post what the demo beta looked like at launch. Obviously this isn't something to be proud of, but again, I do want to stick up for our devs just a little bit here as I know they are busting their butts.
With that said, any remaining mods are being tended to around the clock and I'm personally updating everyone every 12 hours. For example, there were issues with saving presets, data issues, etc. have been rectified. Next on the list is BCH & USDT. Once bugs are fixed, then enhancements come that we've been tracking and logging.
Dev's are tidying up any residual issues from launch, like BCH & USDT. Dev's btw, are more than 14 (as I saw that number somewhere), we now have over 30 devs around the globe. So rest assured there is not 1 dev in the basement making Pinnochio 🙂
On the to immediate do list after the tidying:
  1. Adding additional users, of course
  2. Adding the airdrop tokens
  3. Adding additional tokens & blockchains
So those 3 items are on the the "get it done" list. Also will be working on margin trading as well which is going to be a key initiative (i.e. our friends at Bitmex.)
Q : Why do we see trades on inactive assets ?
A : We have algos firing in tiny trades to create charts for now. Until there is adequate flow, this is necessary to create clean looking charts.
Q : So LP is technically already sort of functioning then?
A : Sort of, its a bit more complicated than that.
Q : When traded on only one exchange same prob. How can we say it s not being manipulated by the exchange itself
Non tionauts might think that way..
A : Manipulate usually conotates a negative, not sure why having TIO only on would lead to a negative.
Q : Won't ppl added in 2 batch miss LP start?]
Tied in to this. Some people will surely complain about the 30 day no fee incentive. Claiming (and rightly so) they did not avail themselves of it since they were restricted
A : We're def not committed to 30 days only, as you rightly said, it won't be fair, if we only open it up to say 5K people in the first 30 days.
Q : when will there be bots placing and filling order book
A : Once there is a larger number of users on the platform.
Q : Set deadlines, dates for things to get done
A : I will refrain from setting deadlines, as we haven't exactly been the greatest at meeting deadlines.
Q : Adding additional users
A : For adding additional users, its going to be a shoot first ask questions later tactic. So as we add, emails will go out, and we will alert the community. Its in everyones best interest that we allow the 20k+ on the waiting list and open it up to the masses ASAP though for 101 reasons. We're all on the same page there gang.
Q : Will you have a public list on which features are being worked on? (Not deadlines, just a list for poeple to know what to expect next)
A : I will have them in my twice daily updates (Paul).
Q : LP
A : As I have said earlier this week, we have been working closely with regulators to modify the LP which will maximize it's utility AND benefit to TIO hodlers. The current structure was based on the regulatory guidelines during our ICO and is expected to change in the very near future. (Roy)
We have been working with regulators and jurisdictions with the goal of making the LP TIO only. As alluded to before, things are going well and if they continue this is the direction of the LP.
Q : will there be a way to calculate taxes, or is it still soon to have an answer to that?
A : Taxes are the responsibility of the LP participant. there are dozens of jurisdictions which have their own unique tax laws and requirements which would be an incredible undertaking to address for all our users. We have been approached with a few technology providers who are working with accounting firms to address this very issue. should we discover a convenient solution for our clients then of course we integrate a solution that is conveinent for all our clients to calculate/estimate their tax liabilities for their respective juridictions.
Q : Can you give us estimated revenues on ICO consulting business?
A : It is important to understand the ICO Consulting pricing model and revenue structure for this. Our consulting services require a small upfront engagement fee to onboard the client. The majority of the revenue is not collected or recognized until the ICO client has completed their ICO as the pricing model is performanced based much of the time on amount of funds raised and tokens issued. which means, revenue from consulting engagement is delayed 3-4 months until the ICO has ended for that consulting client.
Q : Provided tiers remain as is, the price of TIO will most probably plateu at some point (I imagine pretty quickly). What's the plan with the tiers? Will these be dynamic at some point?
A : Tiers will change as price of TIO changes, also with regards to TIO price plateauing, pls keep in mind that while the LP is one major utilization of TIO, there are others to keep TIO in demand. The LP will not be the sole dictator of price/demand of TIO.
Q : With higher and higher TIO price the likelyhood is that less and less people will be interested to buy as "the train would have left the station" Imagine when TIO is $1, you'd need 2,500$ for every tier. Imagine if it reaches 10$
A : Again, the tier structure will remain "flexible" as to allow for the most participants possible while at the same type not diluting. The original plan to adjust the tier is based on the price and volume of TIO. We are contiuously monitoring this to make the LP fair and benficial to our community.
Q : In my opinion, the model of having the LP with multiple currencies (not only TIO) is a much better one, as participants will have multiple diversified assets portofolio
A : It's subjective really. I believe TIO only LP will boost the token much better. That's what we believe as well. Having someone contribute 1K BTC and getting profits from the LP doesn't help TIO at all, it only helps their pockets.
Q : when do new version of calculator appear?
A : Once the terms of service have been finalized and the official announcemnet has been made.
Q : Will the daily profits automatically be included in the next (successive) days' calculations? Or will they be deposited in a separate wallet outside the LP
A : Profit from today will be put in your wallet pro rata tomorrow, and so on.
Q: please tell what will happen to leftover (for the person having teir lvl less than 100)
A: keeps it. If the participants don't maximize their LP contribtutions that is their discretion. we are not forcing the min teir structure to be 25K as this would not be fair. We structured the LP to be fair for the masses and understand that not everyone can maximize their contribution. However, if LP participants do not max out their teir level we are a for profit company and any leftovers will help us spearhead additional initives and partnerships to increase the utility of TIO and benefit the community. There are direct and indirect benefits of the LP here.
Q: Will the LP be available before the end of September?
A: I refuse to provide a deadline...don't make me....:) We stink at hitting deadlines, its a tough biz in tech. We're busting our butts though to get the LP up and running.
Q : well, just imagined that dynamic model and it seems that in that model rich become richer and poor get poorer. Am i wrong?
A : With the flexibility for us to change the tiers we can control this better so that doesn't happen. The last thing we want is to go against our core values and placate to the whales. That's not why we created the LP. the LP was created to redistribute wealth in an easy an accessible way to the masses. What benefit does it give our community if only the rich become richer?
Q : will there be an auto-reinvest option?
A : Yes, 100%, like a money market sweep type mechanism.
Q : On window for LP withdrawal
A : You can opt out at any time, and it will be automatically removed at the next "roll over" similar to if you have traded FX with swaps.
Q : The auto-reinvest will probably hit the tier limit right (unless you're in the top tier which is currently limitless). What happens then?
A : You'll be automatically bumped to the next tier
Q : will top tier be capped on revenues shared on the start, or this will be a possibility for the future?
A : Top tier is capped in terms of % but not in terms of quantity, is that what you're asking? There has always been a cap to the %....its never been open ended. we are potentially paying out 55% of the LP, in actuality, not 50
Q : but we talked earlier that there will be an option to re-invest.. now given that the payouts will be done in other crypto.. will that option be able to convert let's say BTC into TIo and add to the LP automatically ?? if that's the case, then we''ll automatically move to the next tier.. set and forget
A : We can have a bot that auto buys TIO, we can add that later to reinvest. A later feature would be the concept of "dust" to do this reinvestment. .
Q : Will the daily profits automatically be included in the next (successive) days' calculations? Or will they be deposited in a separate wallet IP plan using dust later?
A : They would need to be reinvested to move up. initially, this would have to be a bit manual, but we are planning a DRIP plan using dust later.
Q : Non-TIO assets and caps
A : For non TIO, there needs to be caps so people dont do 2500 TIO and US$1 million. When and if we allow non-TIO in LP. AND non-TIO will not have same multipliers, but as an enhancement. We are not trying to fuck you or game you in any way. Over time, we want to enable people to make money loaning BTC, ETH, USD, etc so other can go short. Returns on that will not be like TIO. We launch with TIO only, later we present the plan for other assets. On we have something we all like, we can move ahead.
Q : LP top tier caps
A : There will be a cap on top tier as well, above where our current largest outside investors are.
Q : so Jim.. shifting gears a bit here, can you talk to us about the regulatory side of things.. where do we stand? what're the future plans with regulators? will TIO be listed as a utility token or a security? anything you can share with us in terms of regluations would be great.. I know there's a lot of confusion with the SEC right now, but any thoughts or undergoing discussions?
A : All cryptos have different classifications in different jurisdictions. We are in Switzerland, where we are a utility. US might treat us diff, as they see everything as a security. Malta has another view. This applies to ALL cryptos, not just TIO, every jurisdiction is different. To say any token is a security or utility is not accurate. Dealing with customers for exchanges is a different regulatory issue.
On the exchange regulatory side, we are working on multiple jurisdictions. HK, US, Malta, etc. In Malta, we have co setup already. Just waiting for app process to open.
Q : Is there any chance that leverage trading will be added to the exchange?
A : yes, on the priority list.
Q : Once we lock our TIOs to the LP, adn after a few months we want to remove them (loss or profit does not matter) do we get back teh same ammount of TIOs even if the price of TIO increases?
Lest say I put 25,000 TIO, with TIO price of $1, adn wehn I decide to take them off the price of TIO is 2$, do I still take 25,000 TIO back or 12,500 TIO ?
A : Yes #TIO in = #TIO out unless the LP has a massive loss that wipes out our blanace sheet and TIO reserve which stands in front of you.
Conclusion : We are going back to whipping the slaves in the salt mines.
submitted by Scarlet_TIO to u/Scarlet_TIO [link] [comments]

malta tax calculator non resident video

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The Malta Salary & Tax Calculator Broadwing Employment Agency is offering a free tool to calculate your weekly, monthly, or yearly net salary based on the tax rates in Malta. This simple tool gives a clear breakdown of gross salary and deductions including tax, Social Security contributions (SSC/NI), government bonuses and most importantly the net salary you take home. The Malta Tax Calculator is a diverse tool and we may refer to it as the Malta wage calculator, salary calculator or Malta salary after tax calculator, it is however the same calculator, there are simply so many features and uses of the tool (Malta income tax calculator, there is another!) that we refer to the calculator functionally rather than by a specific name, we mention this here to Get a detailed drilldown of your Maltese salary from gross to net including taxes and National Insurance contributions with this simple calculator. The income tax calculator for Malta allows you to select the number of payroll payments you receive in a year, this could be 12 (1 a month), 13 (with bonus), 14 (with additional payments) or more, you can choose the number of payroll payments in the year to produce an annual income tax calculation. Once you have produce your income tax calculation for Malta, you can print the calculation and Use our Malta Tax and Salary Calculator to find out how much you get to pocket from your gross salary. The Konnekt salary and tax calculator is a new simple tool that gives you a comprehensive overview of your salary while employed in Malta. It takes into account a number of factors such as tax rates in Malta, Social Security (SSC/NI) contributions and government bonuses. You can calculate Tax Rates for Non Residents The following tables should be used by taxpayers not residing in Malta for computing the amount of tax on their chargeable income in the respective basis year. Tax Rates - 2008 A non-resident individual is taxed only on income and chargeable gains arising in Malta. Individuals are subject to tax on income arising in a calendar year (i.e. the basis year), which is assessed to tax in the year following the year in which it arises (i.e. the year of assessment). Personal income tax rates. Income is taxable at graduated progressive rates, ranging from 0% to 35%. For year A person may be resident in Malta even if he is also resident for tax purposes in another country. Presence in Malta for more than 183 days in any particular year amounts to residence in Malta for that year, regardless of the purpose and the nature of the individual’s stay in Malta. An individual who comes to Malta to establish his residence The Konnekt Net Salary Calculator is a simple tool that gives you a comprehensive overview of your salary while employed in Malta. It takes into account a number of non-personal factors such as the Maltese Tax Bracket, Social Security (SSC/NI), and other adjustments to give you a breakdown of your gross salary for different pay periods (yearly, monthly, fortnightly and weekly). Tax Rates in Malta for Resident Foreigners. Let’s deal first with the most interesting and attractive characteristic of the Maltese tax system. Like several other former British colonies, Malta has a remittance-based tax system for foreigners. That means you only pay Maltese tax on: Income you generate in Malta. Capital gains derived in Malta (e.g., on the sale of Maltese property). Income

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